Yadein Teri (Part 6)

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Cabir entered Manik's Vanity even when Rohan Manik's team member warned him not to. But he can't hold on to Cabir more as whatever said and done the director was his boss's best friend

When Cabir entered Manik was all over some girl who was below him on the big couch in his vanity. Though he had a his shirt on it was crumbled and dishallved

The girl below him was moaning in entacsy and pulling Manik close

Cabir stood rooted in his place. This was not he expected when Manik was not present for the lunch break. So unlikely him, so he just wanted to talk to him to ask and think if everything was alright? His friends were a bit worried about him since Nandini was back and not remembering him

"Stay still" Manik mumbled to the girl and Cabir was out of his shock. He never thought Manik could be over Nandini especially now since she was back. But this was shocker!!

"Ahem" Cabir cleared his throat akwardly. He got a news that Nandini was visiting after lunch. He wanted to inform that to Manik hoping Manik will be happy. But what was in front of him was pure horror

Manik stopped and stiffen as soon as he heard somen clearing their throat. He slowly turned covering the girl cautionly. His shirt buttons were open showing of his toned chest and abs

"Cabir what the fuck!?" he bellowed looking at his friend standing there pale as a sheet

"Close the dam door behind you!" he bellowed turning to the girl.

Cabir covered to close the door as Manik turned back to the girl

"It's just Cabir Babe" he mumbled buttoning his shirt and looking around for hers'

She was disoriented and all dishaved. She was back from her two day trip to Punjab and had directly visited Manik landing to Mumbai. Though she was suppose to visit his sets as they were all set to shoot the last Maha Shadi Episode, supposedly the last episode of the serial. And the decor of the set were suppose to be Nandini's company

"Tell him to buzz of...." she said irritated. Nandini ans Manik were both busy form last week she was away and since the new found intimacy it was being hard for both of them

When Nandini's car stopped near the set, she had directly went to Manik's vanity. Manik who had come to take his lunch was just about to leave when Nandini entered

Seeing her in front Manik had hugged her tightly, firstly he was having a mental battle if she was true or not. But then he took risk. His hold body stiffen and relaxed as he felt her touch making sparks fly in his body and felt her heart beat as she hugged him back tightly

He had asked his team to ask everyone not to wait for him for lunch and allow no one in the vanity till he says

Manik had dished out lunch for them and they were catching up but mid conversation when Nandini was narrating him a funny incident happened in the wedding. Manik zoned out staring at her, her lips were moving as she talked. She used her hands animately while discription. He didn't know when he leaned to her and kissed her lips

After that food was a long forgotten thing, both of them were making out not even thinking it was Manik's vanity, on his sets. Were they could easily be caught and next they know every news forums had this news.

But nothing mattered, no one mattered. Nandini had successfully unbuttoned bhia shirt. Manik was step ahead. He had discarded her beige coat, gotten rid of her whited formal yet netted shirt. She was wearing white lacy inners which his desires itched to yank out but same time play with. He decided to take it slow. He got busy showering her with kisses and bites and Nandini was just pulling him close, feeling his touches and presence near her. He bit her right on her collar bone when she moaned. She heard some noise but ingored it like someone had open the door. But when someone clears their thorat even Manik stiffen above her. She tried to calm her breath and noticed she lay on the couch where they were sitting a few time ago having lunch and Manik hover over her. She heard Manik yell at someone. That's when the mind noticed someone's presence

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