Ke Sau Janam Bhi Dekhta Main Tera Rasta (Part 13)

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Manas entered the house to see Nandini sitting with a boy in his late teens and Nandini and he were working on making a model of working volcano.

Manas frowned seeing this. Nandini only worked with him on his projects

"Mimi who is he?" he asked a bit rudely but that was not very evident

"Oh baby he is Arjun" Nandini said with a smile "He used to deliver me Manik's letters" she added

Manas nodded. He still was not satisfied "What is he doing here?" he asked

"Ohhh" Nandini said "He actually has a science project. I am helping him" Nandini said

"Science project? Fifth graders made working lava models" Manas wanted to taunt

"Yeah but this one actually is going to be like the real one and it is going to be all connected to one button" Nandini said excited and that made Manas smile

"Of course he is going to take care of the science part and I am just helping him with props and art" Nandini told Manas.

"He is so intelligent. This one is going to be a blast" Nandini said and then laughed with Arjun on the blast pun. Well this didn't sit well with Manas. Not that she did not say stuff like this to him but the fact was she would only say such stuff about him.

"I'll just get fresh" Manas said annoyed suddenly.

"Okay I'll make you banana smoothie" Nandini said getting up. Manas nodded and started to leave to his room when he heard Nandini ask Arjun "Will you like a smoothie too?"

This made Manas close his room's door a bit harshly.

Manik kept his head on Nandini's shoulder as she was reading a book and rubbed his face on her

"What?" Nandini asked seeing him attempting to take his attention

"Manas was a bit frosty with me" he told her making a cute face in the end. Nandini laughed

"Kuch bhi?" she said closing the book and turning his full attention to him

"He didn't call me Cha once today since I was back from office. He didn't share what happened in his day. He was sad" Manik pointed out and though Nandini was finding it cute she noted he was right

"Even I noticed his mood was off after he came from football practice" she told him. She turned and laid on her back, facing the ceiling.

"Don't worry, I go and to his practice tomorrow and see if something is wrong there" Nandini said assuringly

"Okay" Manik said resting his chin on her shoulder

"Thik se sou. Your neck will hurt" Nandini said pushing his shoulder but he didn't budge with her push. She glared at him and he turned and laid on his back making an irritated noise.

He put his left hand behind his head and kept staring at the ceiling. A bit later Nandini got up and laid horizontally, resting her head on his stomach. He started to play with her hairs

After a long comfortable silence Nandini said "You stopped sending me letters"

Manik remained silent. She nudged her elbow on his stomach

"Owww I heard you the first time woman" Manik said

"Then answer na" Nandini said

"They are in my room" he told her moving his hand on her crown

"Give them to me I want to read them" she told him

"Not now" he said pulling her up over him "Now I am with you. I don't want to go to my room. I'll get them for you tomorrow" he said yawning

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