Apna Bana Le Piya (Part 13)

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Nandini moved hands around her face as she waited for her coffee. The cafe lady gave her card and her coffee and Nandini thanked the lady.

"Hi Junior Nanda, why are you here at this time? It's not your shift" she asked Rihan

"Don't call me that and I am here because of your husband" Rihan said giving and Nandini frowned.

"He is in dad's cabin" Rihan said

"You mean Dr Nanda na Jr. Nanda" Nandini teased him

"I hate you yaar" Rihan said and Manik and Cabir saw them

"I love you too Rini" Nandini said pinching his cheek and Manik who was walking to them frowned. Cabir goes to hug Rihan but before he could do that Dr Nanda comes there. Rihan sees his father and instead of hugging Cabir, he holds Nandini and throws her at Cabir. Cabir is shocked. Manik doesn't like it and Nandini huffs

"Da... I mean doctor Nanda" Rihan shuttered walking to him and Nandini glared at Rihan hard. She comes out of Cabir's arm and turns to Manik and hugged him. Manik hugs her back. Rihan and Dr Nanda walk away discussing something.

"Why are you having caffeine?" Manik asked and Nandini pouts saying "I have a nightshift and a baby to babysit"

"Really you delivered a baby today?" Manik asked her and Nandini rolled her eyes

"She is talking about you idiot" Cabir said making Manik realise

"I am not a baby" Manik said offended

"You are a baby" Canir said. Manik glares at him

"Cabir mat tang Karo na usse" Nandini said sweetly. Manik grinned and Cabir rolled his eyes

"Vaise why is Rihan scared of Dr Nanda? Doesn't doctor Nanda know he is gay" asked Cabir pointing at De Nanda

"He knows" Nandini said "But he doesn't know you are his boyfriend" Nandini told him sipping coffee and then offering it to Manik. Manik nods no.

"So big deal" Cabir shrugged seeing Rihan discussing something with doctor Nanda. Nandini smriked listening to Cabir

"He doesn't know" Nandini whispered to Manik but Manik frowned. Nandini thought he didn't hear so she raised on her toes and says "He doesn't know"

"I heard you first time but what he doesn't know?" Manik frowned

"That Dr Nanda is Rihan's Dad" Nandini told Manik and Manik is suprised

"Is he?" Manik asked and Nandini nodded

"Should we tell him?" Nandini asked Manik

"No let Rihan do it himself" Manik whispered to her

"Kya khusur phusur cahl rahi hai tum dono ki" Cabir asked them and Nandini caught, cutely nods no. Canir looks at Manik but he just shrugged his shoulder.

Dr Nanda walks back to them with Rihan "Mr Malhotra, Cabir the reports are not at all alarming. Mrs Malhotra's surgery will go fine" Dr Nanda reassured them.

"Thank you Dr Nanda" Manik said

"Thanks doc" Cabir said. Rihan looks shocked at his casual way of refering to his father.

Dr Nanda starts to leave. Rihan gestured Cabir to wait up and leaves behind

"You let him do that?" Rihan asked his father surprised and his father frowns "Address you causally" Rihan cleared about what he was talking

"Oh that. I like Cabir" De Nanda said and Rihan stops looking shocked.

"Really?" Rihan follows his father again asking

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