Tum Mere Asma Meri Zamee Ban Gaye (Part 2)

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Nandini rushed in the school corridor. She was suppose to be on leave and had planned to go to the market and get things for her new tenant / house mate. But then she got a call from Bhaskar Sir to give her some important documents.

When she walked in the school all eyes were on her. The reason, she was wearing jeans and a cute t-shirt with a denime jacket. Something she never wore in school. It was only dresses. But today she was in the market and that is why she came directly. It was around eleven and in some time the recess will be called with students and Piyu's school will end. She plans to take Piyu with her directly and then call Janki after she is done and ask Piyu to pick her from her house.

"Yeh lijiye sir" Nandini said giving the file to Bhaskar Sir. Bhaskar Sir was a middle age man. He was once Nandini's Hindi teacher. And Nandini was his favorite student and now his favourite colleague.

"Thank you" he patted her hairs lovingly like a father making Nandini instantly feel warm

Doing her work Nandini started to the exit. She was passing the lobby when one of her teacher said "Looking Bomb Nandu..."

Nandini half turned to the teacher and, smiled and say "Thank you Naseem Miss" she raised both her hands and waved it cutely saying "Bu-bye..." But before she turns back, her back collided with someone and she fell back. The person she collided held her quickly.

Nandini saw the person wearing mask and black clap. Her heart thudded with a familiar feeling and her eyes went wide. Before she could react the person had made her stand and rushed out of there.

"Thanks" Nandini mumbled and turned to Naseem Miss who was also looking a quite confused

"Woh kon tha?" Nandini asked making vher inside understand 'it can't be him'

"Pata nahi" Naseem Miss shrugged and told Nandini she had a class and left

"It can't be him" Nanadini repeatedly mumbled and walked to Piya's class.

Before Nandini reaches the class the bell rang. Kids started to run out of the class for recess. Nandini saw Piya's class teacher preparing the toddlers to packup as the bell indicated their end of day.

With a broad smile Nandini picked Piya up from the class and they walked hand in hand to meet Janki. As Nandini passed some students greeted her. Some boys stared at her and girls whispered.

"Maami" Piya called her. Nandini had no idea why she was called that. It more sounded like Mummy

"Maami..." she called again

"Haan Piyu bolo?" Nandini asked her lovingly

"Craft mein 2 stars" Piyu said and showed two stars on her hand

"Wow! Congrats Baby" Nandini said and Nandini said proudly

"Maami..." she called again and started to tell Nandini about something.

Till then Nandini reached Staff room only to see Janki talking to someone. The person was tall and facing his back. His clothes looked expensive and the cologne he was fully filled in the staff room. Nandini stopped where she was. She replayed the incident of her colliding in someone earlier. The cologne was not that strong but now it was and it marked his presence

"Arey Nandini" Janki said happily but Nandini's eyes didn't left from the person's back. She saw him turning slowly and every second she held her breath more. In total slow motion he turned and saw her. Nandini sucked her breadth and held it. She meat those brown orbs after years. They were looking back at her. She saw him grasp and then look at her in awe and adorance

But Nandini stood there like ice

"Maami" Piya called and as usual it sounded like Mummy. Nandini saw Manik's eyes go down to the todler and widen as he registered what she said. Hundreds of emotions passed through his face. First Nandini was confused then she got his thinking track and smiled evilly

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