Darling I Am A Nightmare Dressed As A Day Dream (Part 8)

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Manik washed his face and looked in the mirror. He saw her mark on his neck a howling angel, he could see it clearly now after two days of his hospital discharge. He wiped his face and heard the thunder. It was raining a lot in past two days. He sighed and got out of the room. He looked out of the big glass window it was raining, everything felt off, everything felt dull. He got ready and rushed out seeing the watch, he was late

He rushed to the gates when he almost bumped into someone

"Sorry Alpha King" he heard a small voice. Aliya was too scared of him, he could say. He got a glimpse she was holding chocolate brownie and ice cream, she just scurried away.

He looked at her she turned two times and then ran away with it. He turned and rushed to the door.

"Itne jaldi Jaa rahe ho aap" he said seeing the luggage being loaded in car

"You don't need me and there are people who do need me" Kavya said

"Thanks for coming Nani" Manik hugged her and she hugged him back a little more warmly

The rain suddenly stopped and everyone standing there looked up. Kavya sighed and looked at Manik

"Don't get late" she said and Manik looked at her frowning

"Huh?" Manik sais confused

"If you get late, it will be damage beyond repair" she said and Manik just looked away

"I have to leave" Kavya said and Neyonika hugged her asking her to visit soon

"Maa" Manik entered the room after knocking and he saw his father not his mother

"Maa kaha hai?" he asked his father

"She..." Raj stopped

"She had some work, she is taking care of it" he said and Manik just nodded. Manik nodded and there stood there not knowing what to do. Seeing his uncomfortable son Raj hid his smile

"You need anything else?" he asked

"Nahi" Manik said but stood there awkwardly and Raj looked at him

"I should leave" he said and left, Raj shook his head and continued making the bed

Manik walked out and saw out of the window, it was raining. He was not liking rains, it wasn't even rainy season yet. Why was it raining so much. The was going to leave to his room when he saw Navya looking around for something

"What are you looking for?" Manik asked her and Navya looked at him with wide eyes, she looked scared and then terrified, the she composed herself

"My ring, Cabir lost my ring" she said showing Manik fingers and looking at floor as if finding it

"How will Cabir lose your..."

"We got her... it" Navya correct and ran from there quickly and Manik frowned

Manik followed Druv as Druv walked with a glass of kadha Neyonika had gave him. He was almost near what he wanted when he suddenly stopped and got angry and then turned away.

Manik, Neyonika, Raj, Cabir, Navya, Druv, Aliya and some other pack members where having dinner where it started to rain. Manik annoyed crashed his spoon back in the plate

"What's with rains? It's not even the season" he said irritated

"I am done" Aliya said quickly getting up and picking a plate and then putting food in it. Everyone looked at her frowning.

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