Darling I Am A Nightmare Dressed As A Day Dream (Part 5)

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Manik woke up but didn't find Nandini besides him, he frowned and looked around, there was no sign of her. He got up and was going to get down of the bed when he stopped and turn to her side of bed, he stared at it for some time and then got down of the bed, walking to the bathroom door.

Manik was getting down when he heard her giggle, he turned quickly but he wasn't quick enough, he saw Yuvaan running behind her with chocolate on his hand, he smiled.

He turned to see her standing in front of him with a glass bottle with something colorful in it

"Kise dekh rahe the?" she asked him

"Yuvaan" he said and walked past her

"Bye" she said but he didn't reply, nor turned, just walked away.

"Manik" she called and Manik stopped, he froze. His heart beat fast before he can turn, she was right in front of him with a beautiful smile. His heart skipped a beat like always when he saw her, and she smiled more widely. She hugged him and he held his breath, his heart was going very fast. He pulled her out away from him

"Who told you?" he asked with dark brown eyes. He had asked everyone, everyone very sternly not to tell her his name. Who told her?

"You name?" she grinned

"You are not scared na?" he said and pinned her to a pillar

"You have no idea, what I am, what can I do. Don't you put me on a place to show you the real me." Manik said harshly

"I was just saying bye." Nandini pouted and Manik looked at her glaring

"You are going for a job not..."

"Nanu" Yuvaan came in and Manik made space between the

"Let's go, Mumma is waiting in car" he said holding her hand

"Hum train se nahi ja rahe, I like that train..." Nandini told Yuvaan

"Nahi, you will like our car bhi, challo" Yuvaan said and tried to take Nandini with him.

Maink held her same hand "Where are you taking her?" he asked

"Yuvaan's house..." Yuvaan said and Manik increased his grip on her, she looked at his face as it changed color, he was scared.

"Yuvaan even asked Paa to make a room for Nanu, she was crying, she is not happy here, she is sad. Yuvaan doesn't want his friend sad. He is taking her" he told Manik confidently.

"She is not..."

"Yuvaan, Nandini, Chalo aab" Mukti came and cut Manik

"Abhi's parents will be arriving, I came early morning here, because I had to purchase some grains and fruits they like from this market.

"Now, come hurry" she held Nandini and left very briskly. Manik tried to hold her hand but Mukti was fast, Yuvaan ran behind them. Manik started to follow

"Alpha King you have..." A guard came in his way but Manik shoved him away and went behind Mukti. But when he got out, he saw Mukti had drove off.

"Alpha King" Manik turned to Cabir before he ran behind Mukti

"Where are you leaving, the Alpha council will be meeting in an hour" he reminded

Manik looked at Mukti's car which went out of his visual. "I will deal with this later..." he mumbled and left towards his office.

"Thanks for the lift, although I would prefer train, it's cute" Nandini told Mukti who chuckled.

"You and Maa are same, Alpha King isn't going to like it" Mukti said

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