Tum Mere Asma Meri Zamee Ban Gaye... (Part 1)

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"So when the earth rotates around itself...." she said asking the little boy of class four to rotate "...we have day and night on earth. That is why when half the world has day, half has night and this rotation of eart gives us one full day. And is called the rotation of eart around the sun." she said as the little boy still roatate and suddenly stopped holding his head

"Harsh stop it now" she said playfully making the class and the boy giggle.

"Next we will..." she was rudely interrupted by the bell. The kids in the class awwed in displeasure

"Ok! Our time ends here class" she told them

"Tomorrow we will form a solar system and those who aspire to become planets should discuss among themselves and be ready befor tomorrow's class" she said

"Ma'am I will be earth only..." Harsh chirped in

"Ok Harsh" she smiled at the most naughty kid of the class

"We need a sun and nine planets" she said closing her book and collecting her belongings

"See you tomorrow class" she said and walked out.

"Hey Nanadini..." she turned to see Janki the new transferred teacher. Janki was recently transferred in the school from Noida. She was a single mother and had a daughter who was in the first grade in their school. Being from the north of India shifting and settling in the small town near Conor was a big task for her and Nandini had helped her in this. Why did but Janki had a feeling that Nandini had a well versed hang of her Panjabi lifestyle and was the only one who was helpful in this place where she couldn't get hang of the language or the culture. Not yet... She was trying but had a long way. However in one month she had learnt some local words and phrases. In school it wasn't a problem as the faculties came from across India and the school was an English medium but the life outside was a bit difficult and with Piya her little one she had a difficult time.

"Tumhare tailor ka address batado yaar..." Janki said making Nandini smile. Her dress fit her like it was stiched on her. Nandini had a petty height as compared to others she was 5 feet only maybe 5.1'. Yes definitely 5.1'! She was wearing a long umbrella kurti of bottle green color with matching chudidar with a contrace yellow and golden banarsi dupptta

"I'll drop you there after school" Nandini said

"Vaise did you talk to Sapna's father?" Janki asked and Nandini signed.

"I will..." she said and then bid Janki bye. She made way to class 7A. She was their class teacher with class 11B.

"Narayn Sir" Nandini called politely. Once she was the student here. In this school, all the senior faculties were once her teachers and that is how she treated them even today. They were pioneers of what she was today.

"Can Spana be spared for few minutes. I need her help in carrying those books..." she said pointing to the bundle of books kept on a side table in the class

"Yes sure" Narayan sir said and Sapna timidly got up and took the books and followed Nandini till Nandini's small office.

Yes she had an office. She was one of the members of the kids syllabus selection committee and class teacher of two classes. Her education was much more than her job but she never complained. Infact, Nandini loved to sit in the staff room with other teachers but then she wanted to have a chat with Sapna and she wanted to do it alone.

Nandini entered her office with Sapna following her. Sapna kept the books on the table and Nandini sat on her chair. Sapna turned to leave but stopped as she heard Nandini call "Sapna..." Sapna turned to face Nandini with a scared face

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