Darling I Am A Nightmare Dressed As A Day Dream (Part 3)

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"What do you mean you don't know?" Manik roared and Navya flinched a bit

"What do you mean you don't know Beta Female Navya? Explain!" Manik yelled again

"You were incharge from our side for the trip of humans?"

"Yes Alpha King" Navya replied

"Every human on that group is your responsibility?" he asked

"Yes Alpha King" Navya replied

"I entrusted my mate's responsibility with you?" he asked a but waiver in his voice

"Yes Alpha King" Navya replied

"Then where is my mate!" Manik punched and the table broke in two, scattering the papers.

"I don't know Alpha... King" she said a bot worried herself.

"You said she reported to the campsite when I asked you" Manik turned to a warrior

"She did Alpha, I followed her, I saw her get in the tent and I reported you" the warrior said

"Then where did she go!" Manik yelled in frustration.

"She is human, she is losing blood and I need to treat her as soon as possible" the doctor said and paused "but I'll need Alpha Kings permision..." he looked very cautioned

"We know Dr. Jay, that is why in the way we send the messenger to the Alpha King, he will be back with the order" Raj said but the doctor looked unconvinced

"I am the former Alpha King and my order means something doctor and I don't know how the Alpha King will react when he gets to know how his parents are denied treatment!" Raj said and the doctor looked at him sacred

"I am sorry Alpha King, he is a new intern" another female doctor came running and she pulled the strecher of the girl hastily and the young doctor followed.

"Find her" Manik said looking at Druv

"Why are you stressing Manik's, this is what you wanted, she left na, good for you, she was either ways leaving, you were going to let her go, she is gone, easy for you. Don't sweat it" Abhimanyu said and Druv smirked but Cabir looked unhappy. Abhimanyu was an Alpha himself, he could stand again Manik to some degree, Druv can't, as a friend he can but not as a Gamma. Manik was on edge and Driv didn't want to test him so he asked Abhimanyu to do it for him.

Manik looked at Abhimanyu with red eyes an expression of murder.

"I have to reject her. I planned to reject her this morning, she went missing. I have to reject her" Manik said closing his eyes and then opening him, they were brown

"Reject her" Mukti said and Manik's looked at her

"I have to reject her while seeing her eye..."

"Yes for warewolves I don't think that applies on her, she is a human, a weak human as Flame says" Mukti said

"I am confident the bond will break if you reject her right now, vaise bhi she disappeared in a forest, I don't think she has more than few hours" Mukti said and Manik looked at her with one red one black eye. Her provocation was helping

"Infact you should not reject, in sometime the bond will be cut on it's own because your mate will be dea..." Manik launched at Mukti but she sheild herself with her powers. She knew she can attack him so she defended herself.

"Alpha King" the door opened

"There is a message for former Alpha King, the messanger needs permission to..."

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