Chapter 4: Traffickers

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A/N: I got no clue how this works so bear with me.

To shake off the stress on Jaylin's shoulders, Jason took her to the shooting ring.

"Why are we doing this again. Not that I'm complaining."

"While I helped out at the hospital, I noticed how little work I did and how tired I was so~ We are here to relax," said Jason as he pulled up at a warehouse. "Hello to heaven," he said in a weirdly cheery voice.

"Never do that again," commented Jaylin walking past him entering a code -that she somehow knew, surprising Jason- and through the large metal doors, being welcomed by a homey space. "This place is..." Jaylin trailed off waiting for Jason to finish.

"My home-ish. Lived here before moving in with you." Jaylin rose a brow, "Tim third adoptee and Demon spawn blood son of Bruce still live in the mansion." Jason shrugged, "Dick and I come and go as we please, but I've spent more time with you."

Jaylin's lip turned up, "love you too big bro," Jaylin regretted the name immediately by gaging, "nope, never again," Jason simply nodded his head in agreement. "You got more guns?" She asked, pointing at the visible guns.

"Yeah," he stood, opening a closet full of firearms. Jaylin had a feeling this wasn't just it, "I like them."

"I love them," she said, grabbing her favorite model, an M1911 pistol. Jason turned to look at his sister in confusion, "what? Grew up in the streets too. Learn whatever you can," she said waving the gun before taking off the safety, pointing it at the floor. "I've been stressed for far too long. Lead me to heaven."

"Follow me," Jason said, walking towards the back, towards another warehouse. "Ready to shoot some guns?"

"I missed these babies," Jaylin said as she reloaded the gun. Pointing at the head, center, and shoulder of the target, bullseye.

Jason wolf-whistled, "damn, my sis is a badass. You're a natural!"

After a few more minutes in shooting, Jaylin felt herself relax as the time passed by. Sighing, she walked up to Jason who was shot by her side. "Thank you, Jace," she said, walking back to where she came from.

"Where are you going?" He asked, taking off his muffins from his head.

"Home. Wanna come with?" Jason looked at his guns then at his sister. With a smile, he nodded.


A few days have passed since the shooting range. Now Jaylin, dressed as Kim, was walking to get coffee after being at the bank, but somehow she entered an illegal human trafficking ring! Seriously why !? Walking down a street is simple, so simple, how the fuck did an alley turn, turn into walking straight into a trafficking ring?! How does she know it's a trafficking ring? Well, some dumbass was SMART enough to stick up a sign [children down the hall], seriously who is THAT dumb.

Kim thought about it for a long few minutes. Being there already, being bored, having nothing else to do, why not? She gave herself a last-minute self-assigned mission and went to set the prisoners free, well, as many as she could.

 Being there already, being bored, having nothing else to do, why not? She gave herself a last-minute self-assigned mission and went to set the prisoners free, well, as many as she could

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