Chapter 8: Pranks

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Thank you for reading 'this far! :)

By the way, I like to write about real-life problems to raise awareness. I'm only a high school student so I have limited knowledge. But, this is true, 'the real world is as dangerous as fiction'.

Jaylin was walking down the halls of the hospital and overheard or more like oversaw a check-up. A male doctor was getting really handsy with a female patient. She took out her phone and filmed through the window, he forgot to pull the blind up.

"Lie down," he ordered. The patient followed and waited patiently for him to be done with the check-up. "Can you just undo the button for me," he asked. Checking it he asked for another to be unbuttoned, it wasn't needed. Jaylin was ready to pounce inside and punch the doctor but refrained from doing so as she needed evidence to get him fired. "Ok, take a deep breath," he said, placing a hand on her chest, breast, not where the heart was located. "Another one," he said, moving to her left chest. "Alright, how old are you?"

"I-I'm 50," she answered, stuttering unsure of what was happening. "Why do you ask?"

"You had mammograms lately?"

She shot her head, "not in a while."

"You should. You have a lovely chest, it would be a shame not to have it checked." Creepy much, Jaylin commented. The woman had the same reaction as Jaylin's reaction and looked at the doctor confused. "I just mean there's a small indentation there and it could indicate a lot."

The woman asked worriedly checking her own chest "an indentation. Oh my god where?"

"It's tiny," he reassured. "but you should have it checked. Do you ever check yourself?"

"No, I don't,"

"Y-you should, here. It's easy, put your hand behind your head, turn your head this way," he says repositioning her body, making her head turn away so she wouldn't be able to see what he was doing. The doc slipped his hand onto her bare breast, the woman had an expression of internal debate and disbelief.

Jaylin lost it. She stuffed the phone inside her pocket and burst into the room, scaring the doctor, making him retract his hands and look at Jaylin. "What do you want?" He snapped.

"Are you addicted to any type of drug?" She asked, wanting to sound like an interrogation of some sort.

"No?" The doctor, whose name she didn't bother to learn, answered in confusion. "What's the meaning of it?" He then demanded.

Jaylin faked her expression as though she was thinking for an answer, "oh! Sorry, I meant are you a dick head?... No, a mental retard makes more sense."

The doctor snapped his head towards Jaylin. Noticing her coat, he threatened her "what? Do you know who I am? I could get you fired?!"

"No, I don't. But I do know this is gonna get you fired," Jaylin said holding up a recording of what had previously happened between that doctor and the female patient and the recording of their conversation. Abusing power gets you fired. Without warning, she punched him in the gut, hard. The doctor fell on the floor clutching his stomach. Jaylin turned to the woman, "put your clothes on properly." The woman nodded, "now what was your problem?"

The woman chose to trust the one who helped her, "I have pressure under my eyes, my head feels like it's going to explode. I feel weak, I thought I wouldn't be able to leave the bed."

Jaylin hmm'd and used her light to check the woman's eyes, "all good." Jaylin moved to touch her cheek and above the eyebrows, "does it hurt?" She asked. The woman nodded in response. "Sinus. It'll pass in a few days, drink water or try to place a warm, wet towel on your face, you should be better." Jaylin listed, and looked at the male pervert in disgust before turning her attention back to the victim, "don't be afraid to ask for a female doctor, if you're not comfortable. If they ever approach you again like that leave, also fire a lawsuit, hope you remember his name," she advised.

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