Chapter 11: China

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Alright, I want to say thank you for reading this far and enjoying (hopefully) this story. I may edit this chapter later but hope this chapter is satisfactory.

Jaylin landed in China with a fake passport. To make it look real, Jaylin wasted a lot of money, but worth it if people didn't recognize her. Hopefully at least.

She walked through security confidently not making it suspicious unknown to her eyes were following. Sweet China, how long haven't I visited.

On the train she saw a suspicious man wearing a mask approaching a child, baby. He started to pick the baby up, it started to cry but the man quickly calmed it down by placing the pacifier in its mouth.

The mother seemed to be sleeping and Jaylin didn't want to be accusing an innocent man, so she waited until he walked away, but always kept an eye on him. As he was out of hearing range, she went to wake up the mother.

"Hey," she called out shaking the woman's shoulder.

Slowly the woman woke up, "什么?" (What)

Trying not to raise panic in the woman she asked another question instead of alerting her that her baby was gone, "你老公和你一起旅行吗?" (Is your husband on this trip with you)

The woman was suspicious of the younger both because she was talking to a stranger and she was a foreigner, so she lied, "他去厕所了." (He went to the bathroom)

Jaylin recognized the lie immediately as the woman had been asleep for the last hour. "对不起打扰你了," (sorry to bother you) Jaylin apologized now following the man who had taken the baby. No, actually she ran, to where he had left.

As she reached the other car, he wasn't there. She ran to the other, he must've known to act fast. In the third car she went to, she found the man sitting in his seat the baby in his hand. Walking over she punched the man in the face knocking him out cold and taking the baby. This action caused a commotion.

"你怎么了?! 我们要报警了!" (what are you doing?! We're calling the police) shouted the stand-by civilians.

It was hectic so she shouted above everyone's voices, "这不是他的宝宝! 他妈还在前面睡觉!" (this isn't his baby! His mother's still up front sleeping)

"你有什么针具!" (where's your proof!) shouted a person filming her.

She had already noticed the filming so she had hidden her face in her jacket. Pulling out her phone, she played the video of the man taking the infant before forwarding it to some random person with their airdrop on.

"把它交给警察,我要把孩子还给他妈妈," (give it to the police, I'm giving the baby back to his mother) she said walking past the crowd leaving the kidnappers body on his chair.

An unfriendly, bulked looking man stepped in front of her and glared, "为什么要相信你?" (why trust you)

It seems that he cared for the baby's safety, "你可以跟着我。她的火车是第三经济舱." (You can follow me. Her train is the third economy one.) The man let her pass, but before they left she turned and informed the civilians on the train who were around them, "不要让他逃掉,把他交给警察." (Don't let him escape and hand him over to the police.)

The two walked past the three cars she had passed to get to the kidnapper. The man who promised to keep an eye on her did so. As they entered her original train car, they saw people surrounding the seat where the mother of the baby was. "我只睡了一会儿,他就不在了." (I just slept for a moment and he wasn't there anymore)

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