Chapter 32: Outliers

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When Jaylin went to confront COLJS' base, she found Lilly. An alive Lilly, she looked tired but, that wasn't all. Her body was missing its limbs, she was hanging as if a piece of meat, like butchers, hung their meat. She has wires sticking out of her going into a machine, dried blood was surrounding the punctured areas, and there were untreated infections that should have killed her long ago. Pale face, tired eyes, lifeless eyes. So blank, empty, and dark.

"L-Li-Lili," Jaylin stuttered out stumbling as she emotionally approached her alive sister. She was alive. Lily's head stayed hanging without support. "Lili, Lili, it's me. It's me," she didn't recognize her voice. It was breaking, a lump was caught at the back of her throat. Jaylin bent down, staring up at her sister's tired face. "Lily," a tear rolled, and soon after, it was like a waterfall. "It's Lin, it's Jielin, it's Xiao-Lin, it's me," the young sister cried hesitantly taking small steps approaching the imprisoned woman.

Slowly, Lily's eyes opened and her black orbs met heterochromatic ones. She recognized them, it was her little sister. The eyes she hasn't seen since the torture started. Not even in her hallucinations did she hallucinate about these eyes. They were real, she was really here. The white hair was new though.

"Xi-Xiao-L-Lin," Lily unknowingly how spoke. It had been years since she thought her voice was lost from all the screaming. Why did it appear now?

Jaylin could barely recognize it was hers because of how raspy it had become. "Yes, yes," she repeated. "It's me, your MeiMei."

Lily despite her pain, smiled. "You don't look... pretty... when crying. Smile," her speech was ever so slightly improving.

Jaylin listened and strained a smile, trying to stop her tears for her sister. The sister she loved, the sister she longed to see. Finally, she saw her sister in front of her. "Yes, Sister."

"You've... grown," the woman in pain let out a chuckle.

"I did," Jaylin held back a sob. "I grew taller. I have a brother now. He's super nice, his family too. I can fight now too. I can save you, I will protect you when we get out. I can do it. Sister, sister," she couldn't anymore, she broke down. "Ahhhh!!"

Lily in a way understood and stayed quiet as her little sister let out her frustration. Slowly, black spots appeared in her vision, she grew tired. "I'm proud of you."

"Sis, sister," Jaylin repeated seeing her big sister's reaction.

"Do what you do. Know I will always support you." Jaylin didn't bother hiding her cries as she stood face to face with her sister. What she didn't notice was that her comms turned on just then. "Just... do me one... favor, my Meimei."

"Anything, what do you need me to do? I'll kill Charlie so you can be happy. I'll chase him to hell and kill him there, again and again. Just tell me, I'll do anything. Stay with me, please," the girl begged, she was desperate.

"Kill me," when those words came out of Lily's mouth, Jaylin froze. "You said you'd do anything... end me."

"No, no," Jaylin decided she didn't want to listen, it was all too much.

"Meimei, look at me," Lily ordered. "Jaylin," the older girl repeated. "JAYLIN SMITH-TODD!" With all her energy Lily shouted. Finally, did Jaylin look? Pain, anguish, hurt, betrayal, and anger raged in her eyes. Lily looked surprised. This was a look Jaylin had shown ever since she was a child. It was a facade to mask her bubbly and good nature, but it seemed to have changed now. "Jaylin, I won't have any time left either way. I don't want to die at my father's hands. I prefer it to be done by you."

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