Chapter 36: Ambush

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A/N: Ok, this is very short (in my opinion) and I've run out of ideas. This chapter is mostly likely repeated from previous scenarios and so, my apologies.

If you (the reader) haven't read this in a long time and just came back to it without remembering much, don't worry, because in all honesty neither do I.


One day, Red Hood received a tip about a warehouse where a notorious criminal known as Black Mask was running a massive drug trafficking operation. The tip also mentioned that children were being kidnapped and forced into slavery as part of the operation. Hood knew he had to take down Black Mask, but he also knew he couldn't do it alone. He called on Kims to help him not wanting to call Dickhead, the nerd, or Demon Spawn. Okay, maybe he thought this was an opportunity for the two siblings to connect more than they already have, well in suits he means.

"Should I just start a cafe?" Hood heard his sister's voice when he dropped on the fire escape, most likely on the phone. "I mean, sure a doc cool and all but cafes are more relaxing. Plus, if I open it near a university so students go there and profit." A pause later indicated the other person on the phone talking. "Yeah, I did. Wanting to save and all. Anyways, gotta go, my brother's calling."

Red Hood opened the window and dropped in, noticing the carpet underneath his feet, as well as the combat boots Jaylin uses as 'Kim'. "Want to bust Black Mask's operations?"

"Let me get ready. Be there in 10."

"Text you the place." Red Hood left from the window. He was careful to not step outside the carpet so as not to dirty the place. He knew if he got it dirty he would be the one to clean up.

Red Hood was on high alert as he prowled through the dark streets of Gotham. Kim hadn't been answering her comms during the mandatory roll call that happened once in a while. She didn't not only answer her call but her tracker was off. His instincts told him something was wrong.

Red Hood ripped through Gotham streets looking for information on Kim. As he was threatening someone, they spilled that there had been an ambush planned by Black Mask for a few days already and was being executed today because of the siblings' attack on Black Mask's operations. Seeing as she wasn't answering, Red Hood assumed the worst and so, asked for the location and knocked the guy out leaving a few concussions.

As he approached a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, he could hear shouting and the sounds of a struggle coming from inside. Red Hood kicked in the door and found himself face to face with a group of Black Mask's goons.

"Where is she?" Red Hood growled, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of Kim.

One of the goons sneered at him before a smirk was present on the ugly face. "Over there. But she won't be for long."

Red Hood followed the goon's gesture to the other side of the room, where Kim was cornered by two visually armed men and three others. She was badly beaten and bleeding, but she was still struggling to stay on her feet. The guys' attention was still focused on Kim most likely trusting the guy who he just knocked out to take care of whoever came through the door.

Many goon's bodies laid on the ground unconscious. She had held out for who knows how long without her weapons. They had been knocked out of her hand and laid on the opposite side of the place.

"Let her go," Red Hood demanded, drawing his weapons, and pointing his two guns at the two armed men.

"Or what?" one of the goons taunted finally taking notice of Red Hood's presence. "You think you can take us all on by yourself?" He was haughtily.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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