Chapter 16: Titans

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Disclaimer of movie: Teen Titan vs Justice league.

Note: the movie will last three chapters, if you don't want to read you can skip to chapter 19: Void

Tim chugged down the last bit of coffee in his cup, along with Jason, Dick, and Bruce, Damian had his tea along with Alfred. Tim spoke up, "I swear you're the best in making coffee for us addicts. No offense, Alfred."

"None taken, master Timothy," Alfred replied to his apology knowing very well the reason. He himself decaffeinated it a lot when brewing coffee for the young master.

"You learn the best combinations after years of multiple unhealthy all-nighters," Jaylin replied staring at her phone, reading through her digital books. "All which Alfred would disapprove of."

"That sounds like us," Tim commented, "can't finish anything nowadays without at least 3 cups of coffee. It's just not how it's done."

"Agreed. It's annoying running out of coffee, but having too much isn't healthy," Jaylin scolded.

"Jaylin is certainly right Master Tim," said Alfred.

"Right," he said sheepishly, "sorry Alfred. Anyway, you're too awesome to be replaced soon."

Jason nodded at Tim's words but addressed his next words to what they two spoke in a dialogue before Alfred interrupted, "done with the coffee talk, finally."

"Become an addict, you'll find out how awesome it is," Jaylin said as Tim nodded.

"Anyway," said Jason nudging on Damian's shoulder smirking, "don't worry, Demon here won't be replacing you anytime soon, he likes you. And unlike Batsy over there, Alfred won't replace his family so quickly," for the final sentence to have more dramatics, he pointed at himself and Tim.

Bruce grunted on the side, they/he was never going to let that go. Dick appeared by his side, patting his shoulder, "he's not lying though," he said directing the attention to himself.

"I was never worried to be replaced though," she said confused as to why this topic was appearing.

"Hey!" Tim shouted in protest and in a fake hurt pose, "I at least don't go running around shouting 'I'm the blood son!' Swinging a sword aiming to kill everyone."

"I could kill you now if I wanted to," Damian said bringing a sword out of nowhere pointing it towards Tim.

"No killing!" Tim and Jason shouted imitating and mocking Batman's first rule. The mentioned man rubbed his temples, wanting the headache to go away.

"Speaking of killing, I need to go on patrol! Come on Lin," Jason said climbing on his motorcycle, placing his helmet on while Jaylin did the same with her mask, "bye bitches! And Alfred!"

The boys resumed their 'banter' after deadpanning at Jason. Jaylin didn't leave yet, waiting for a proper dismissal of the older adults, meaning Jason hung back pinching in on the banter of the boys. "Master Jason, Jaylin, Dinner is ready tomorrow at 7 pm. Don't be late," said Alfred.

"You can go," Bruce finally spoke up.

By the time the blood siblings turned around, they heard "I'll kill you!" From Damian, it was safe to assume that he had his katana and aimed to kill one of the brothers.

"Dami no!" Shouted Dick. So then it was also safe to assume that Damian was after Tim.

Bruce continued to rub his temples, smiling under his facade. "It's final, Damian you're going."

"Ha!" said Dick triumphantly. "We leave tomorrow!"

Jaylin hung back because she was curious as to where the conversation was heading, she asked, "where?"

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