Chapter 6: Emergancy

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Thank you for the comments, it makes me happy knowing you're enjoying this story :)

By the way, my goal is around a few thousand words a chapter, so it tends to take a long time to write, including the fact I should focus in school.

Thank you for reading!

Hood drove, Jason drove, he drove. Come on, come, he chanted holding onto his sister's body riding at a high speed towards crime alley, ignoring every word, every crime that entered his sight or ear. The criminals were too confused that Hood ignored them, but they were also glad they could continue, none of them noticed Kim.

He didn't bother parking properly when arriving at the clinic, he jumped off still holding onto his sister. He slammed the door open with his hand, "Leslie! Leslie!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Dr. Leslie Tomkins quickly came to see what was the commotion. At the back door, there stood Red Hood, princess carrying a masked woman. Dr. Leslie knew immediately Hood cared for her so instincts took over, "place her on the bed and stand on the side." Hood followed the instruction gently placing her down and frowning by the side. "Jason, what happened?" Dr. Leslie asked placing the oxygen mask on Kim and checking her heart rate.

"I - I couldn't stop her. She - she jumped in front of me. It's my fault," Hood was holding back his tears and anger, waiting. Images of her actions flashed by his eyes.

"It's not, it was her choice," the doctor tried to reassure the young man. Leslie inspected Kim's body further, "a faint heart but there. Regular, there's a chance." Leslie started to role her

Hood's attention went back to Kim, snapping out of his thoughts, "what can I do?"

"Wait," Leslie responded, entering the surgery room, "and pray."

Leslie entered the surgery room the doors flapping close. Hood took off his helmet and sat on the waiting chair, he forced his tears back by using his gloved hands gripping tightly on his hair. This couldn't be happening, his sister, the sister he had grown fond of over a matter of months, heck even his brothers took longer and they lived in the same mansion. His little sister was fighting for her life, it should've been him, she didn't deserve this, they both have fucked up lives but she did anything bad in the last 10 years of her life, whilst he'd done it every-night, she couldn't leave, leave him alone.

Jason's thoughts and flashbacks clouded his mind that he never felt the time pass. Hours passed and Leslie was done with Kim. Finding out her secret identity wasn't that much of a shocker considering who her brother and now the adoptive family was.

"Jason," Leslie called out softly knowing his mind would race hundreds of miles per minute.

Jason's head snapped up to look at Leslie, she was giving him a worried look, "is she... is she-?"

Leslie quickly cut him off, "no she isn't. She just sleeping." Leslie pointed at the patient's room, "shot right in front of the aorta, she was lucky that her armor took most of the damage. With a little more force and her aorta would have been town and wouldn't be able to supply her body with oxygenated blood, she wouldn't make it."

Jason sighed at the thought, "can- can I see her?" He tightly asked.

Leslie nodded, "you can be quiet though, she's asleep."

Jason slowly walked up to the door hesitantly opening it. Leslie had to give him a push. Once he had a full view of her body, he noticed her heart wasn't the only place hurt. He walked closer and closer until he was standing beside her bed. She looked like she was sleeping so peacefully, it was as if she hadn't been on the brink of death a few hours ago. Leslie left the room for privacy. Jason listened to the heart monitor, listening to her normal heartbeat. He let it out, he cried, he cried for his sister, he cried for the time lost, he cried for almost losing her.

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