Chapter 35: Batdad

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A/N: cuz why not

A new addition to the family wasn't expected but neither was it un-welcomed. At first, it might've been a worry. They worried for her safety, and if she was trustworthy. She had saved Jason even before she knew their relations, sure, she was a doctor who saved others, that's right, but it didn't take away the precaution they should have when they didn't even know her yet. Even if Jason trusted her to a certain extent without knowing her fully.

Everyone needed time to adjust and get used to her presence.

Jason having a sister who was lost/shipped away at a young age did come as a surprise to everyone, including Bruce. Not much could surprise him as he tends to stalk—AHEM! Researching people before meeting them, Jaylin's presence was once again a surprise. Everything Bruce had researched was last minute, but from what he had found, Jaylin's roots in Gotham were nonexistent in records. According to the files he had on the Todds, there wasn't any information on another baby, especially one that was younger by 2 years. By all means, Jason wouldn't have any memory of a younger sibling at the age of two or three, so it was plausible that the mother had given birth at home without a doctor present. Dangerous considering the condition of the house, and time, but not improbable.

After having heard Jason's story on how he had met his sister, the old batdad had done some research on the girl, now a woman's background.

In his opinion, she was like the female version of Jason. A little unnerving but as well as amusing. There were aspects of Jason in her but not as well. She was fearless, she had trauma -everyone who joins the family has a sort of trauma, he knows-, but, she was less expressive and cared more than she let on. She seemed like an introvert, but around others, she was an ambivert, sort of like Tim.

He worried when he was told she was Kim. He, the best detective, missed something that was just under his nose. No doubt it was embarrassing and something he would never tell anyone. Alfred wouldn't spill it either without his permission.

The first time he met his unofficial daughter Jaylin, was after she had helped his sons with their injuries. The youngest in a cast and the eldest recovering from laughing gas. She was smart, having already figured out his identity. He remembered the scene when Alfred had called her by her first name without 'miss' in front. It didn't last long but it was still a great feat indeed.

Jaylin's addition was a positive decision. The kids had started to connect more with each other. They definitely trusted each other with their lives, but that was mostly when they were on duty.

What Bruce had noticed the most, was the improvement Damian had shown. He had started communicating with others more as well, not with just his animals. Damian was caught by Bruce privately talking to his animals about his feelings for Jaylin. Bruce didn't reveal himself but learned about Jaylin's influence on the boy. Damian was more dependent on Jaylin than he realized. It seemed as if the love and care Talia didn't provide him was being supplied by Jaylin but in the form of an elder sister and not a mother.

These were the moments, the moments when he sees his sons opening more, as well as improvement in Cass's communication ability all because of another addition to the family, he was glad Jaylin had appeared in their lives.

Then things turn south because that's what happens every day in the Wayne manor.


Bruce hadn't gotten out of his costume yet, the cowl was still on his head as he glared at his children, partners in crime fighting, and children who got into trouble left and right.

He started to criticize them for leaving the victim alone which allowed the victim to recklessly try to escape and was caught because one of the culprits escaped their grasp. Luckily, one of the bats was fast enough to save the victim before they had their neck slit by the culprits. The vital and fell to the ground shaking. At least she wouldn't be able to run anymore, one of the children had thought.

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