Chapter 27: Living

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Bruce didn't like their deaths. Being their father was part of it but not all. He didn't like the short lives they lived all because of him. He could see himself in them. Dick (protege son) had his morality, Jason (son with daddy issues) had his anger, Tim (runaway son) had his intellect - all of them did but Tim stood out -, and Damian (unknown son), his blood son had his skills. Every imagination or indication of their deaths happening, he would feel like he failed as a mentor and a father. Maybe he could have done something better, something more. And it seemed fate listened as he had his sons return more times than he can count.

Dick doesn't like mentioning his parents' deaths. Their deaths changed him. It got easier as time passed but the feeling never left, an empty hole that got filled but there was a scar left behind. When he started following Batman, his first thoughts were hope, hope that he could kill the one who killed his parents. Vengeance. Bruce held him back, explaining that the number of graves wouldn't decrease even if he killed. Bruce introduced him to his morals, which would stay for as long as he lived, he helped him pass that phase, his brothers helped him pass his teen years, his sisters and girlfriend helped him pass hardships, they all helped him have reasons to be him.

Jason didn't talk much about the day he died; none of them do. Why would he, why would anyone for that matter? It was a constant reminder that they failed. Living every day with the effects of the pits still lingering, was torture; the rage, beasts, irrationalness, the insane mindless feeling, it was all foreign and intolerable. He was hated and unwanted, why would he like to remember? Though he doesn't talk about it, he thinks about it. He got a new beginning from his death. What would happen to his brothers? When he was alive, their connection was tense, there was a strained relationship. They fixed it together, well as much as they could when he came back. What bout his sister? He would've never known. Would she have ever have found him still? Would she ever know she could find happiness after the death of her loved ones?

Tim doesn't talk about his parents' deaths. Were they were neglectful? Yes. Did they give birth to him? Yes. Did he care about them? Slightly. He imagines if the pain would be different from what he felt years ago if Bruce passed away. He was sure of Alfred but what about Bruce. On his parents' death anniversary, he places a bouquet of his mother's favorite flower, talking to them about everything. That is the way he releases his stress, everything towards something that won't spill. Dead men never live to tell the tale. When he finishes, outside, he has a family supporting him.

Damian didn't like his death. It was a constant reminder that he was a used tool created by his own mother just to reach his father. He was a failed tool that his mother had to create another one. It was that day he learned how much his father cared. He returned to his father's side wearing the mantle of Robin. Of course, he expected others to work with his father on this job, but never did he ever expect himself to somehow be determined by the word that he would get along with them. He never expected that he would develop feelings for this 'family'. He never expected he would die for this family. He never expected to fall in love with this family. Yet he did.

All of them were - scratch that - they are a family. They lived their lives together, they developed together, they fought together, trusted each other, solved mysteries together, learned how to be brothers together. They learned to love and tolerate each other in their own ways, some more violent, some for physicals. What happens when years later, Bruce throws in a late teen into the mix?

Jaylin doesn't like the deaths of who she loves. She was depressed when her mother died. She was vengeful when her sister died. All her rage was directed at a specific person. She got rid of him. She thought she would forever be alone, be a person with a terrible soul and heart. She thought she would live day by day with no ambition, be a lifeless doll for society. But for them, she found happiness with friends and new family. Well, it lasted as long as it could. The motherfucker came back. What does she do? She breaks down. She breaks down in front of her brothers. She breaks down knowing that Lily, the sister who was supposed to support her was never coming back. She relied on the new family to bring her mental stability.

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