Chapter 12: 'Arguments'

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The trio had left the warehouse safely, excluding the part where another car chase was in session.

"Fuck! Come on! Can't they just fucking give up!" Shouted Kim as her body was out the shotgun side of the window shooting out towards the cars chasing her, her brother, and his friend.

"Do you always shout and curse this much?!" Shouted Arsenal towards the only girl in the car.

"Only when I'm annoyed, angry, and every feeling I'm feeling right now!" Shouted Kim making more accurate shots as three cars diverged from the road. "Plus! We're adults!"

"Barely," Jason commented to himself remembering her age, 18 still.

"Definitely Jason's sister," Arsenal mumbled definitely referring to their curses and anger.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Shouted Red Hood as he continued to drive.

"The perfect marksmanship," Kim responded finishing off the last guy on their tail.

Red rose a brow under his helmet, "Was that a compliment?"

"The only one you'll get this year," she responded. "Where are we going?"

Arsenal and Red Hood had a conversation before this so Red Hood answered without hesitance being more experience in dealing with his sister "the airport, we're going back to Gotham."

"Why?" Kim had the audacity to ask thought Hood. "I need to finish this! This is my chance! I'll go back when the job's done, once he's dead!"

"And you will have more in the future!" Red snapped back anger filled his voice shutting up Kim up immediately. "You are reckless Lin! Did you even think when you came to China!? I asked Danny and he told me it was sudden as you never left a warning. A few weeks back you were even in the fucking hospital because of Joker! I can't stand to see you back there again! Nobody of the family wants to! I don't want to know that there is a chance to lose you! You're my fucking goddamn sister, Lin!" Hood was huffing and puffing

Kim was taken aback but chose to say nothing. She knew he cared but, not this much, she shouldn't have doubted but it was always there. Unconsciously, she went to touch her scar, which was covered by her mask. Noticing her actions, she quickly pulled away feeling guilty, fuck feelings. Unbeknownst to her, Red Hood had the same reaction.

"I care too," she said in a low voice but loud enough to be heard.

Trying to remember something else to get her mind off of the feelings she was currently feeling, her mind drifted to the location they were going to and slapped herself in the head at how stupid were the boys in front of her. She sighed clearly irritated from the previous and current thoughts. Instead of bringing the previous monologue up, she asked an obvious question the two who lack common sense didn't think of, "what about the airport police? Our current clothing is kinda...?"

Red Hood took a moment to register her words before making a sharp U-turn taking Arsenal and Kim by surprise as he drove the car to where Kim's motel was located at. "You tell no one," Arsenal was the one holding a bow and arrow aiming at Kim's face threatening more, Jason never disapproved of it.

"Sheesh, serious much," she joked causing Arsenal to lower his bow, "though seriously? Common sense."

Kim laughed as her brother reach to the side slapping her a few times. Not that he was going to admit it, it was relieving to hear Kim laugh after what she had been through, not being able to be seen in weeks and her captor being her step-father. Not the best experience. It was kind of similar to their mother selling him out. He winced at the memory.

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