Chapter 9: Kidnapping

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A week had passed since the prank, nothing big happened, the Bat team just patrolled at night including Kim, and stopped many robberies and molesting, nothing to do with supervillains. It was honestly the most productive and relaxing moment of Jaylin's life, but now she had other things to worry about.

"Why are we here again?" Jason whined as he and his sister walked through all the shops, why do women have to be like this? They never stop.

"They may be family, but still you need to look presentable," she answered.

"It's not 'till for a few more months, why now?"

"Because these are my last two days of break, and would you like to go through this torture again in the future right before Christmas? Plus I need clothes too."

"No, it's Christmas but, if I suffer why aren't you suffering with me?"

"Because I have friends who will make sure I have something presentable on. They are worse than me," Jaylin visibly shuddered at the thought of Jenny and Danny together, working, to 'help' her look presentable. Jaylin brought out a phone and showed him a picture of a brown jacket, blacktop, and black jeans. The look made her look professional.

"Why not a dress?" Jason questioned.

"Because they take too long," a lie, but he doesn't know that.

Jason thought for a moment, "it's too mature, why do you look more like the older sibling."

Without missing a beat she answered him, "because you act like a kid. You're too immature."

"Am not!" Jason argued with a harsh glare aiming at his sister but also at the same time scaring the people around them.

"Are too!" Jaylin retorted with the same level glare.

"Am not!" He continued.

"Are too!" She said.

"Am not/are too!" They yelled at the same time continuing for some seconds.

"Uh, excuse me," said a small voice from next to them. They whipped their head towards the sound, the glare never left their expressions. The clerk was really intimidated by not only the male but also the female, "p-please don't f-fight or we'll have to ask you to leave for disturbing the customers."

Jason looked about ready to shout at the clerk without realizing it, Jaylin stepped in, "of course." She looked around the tailoring shop and at the clerk with a gentle smile, "really sorry for the disturbance my brother and I caused."

The clerked blushed forgetting that Jaylin was a girl, "no-no problem." Then the female clerk walked away, red face still present which would or wouldn't, later on, be teased by her co-workers.

As Jason was about to tease Jaylin about 'having fans' the news came on, "there have been video and vocal conformations for the people she has saved that there is indeed a new female vigilante in Gotham. It seems that she is the partner of Red Hood the crime boss, and anti-hero of Gotham. From what we have gathered, this new vigilante's name is Kim. It was been found out that this vigilante has solely helped with the recovery of children from child trafficking rings from a few months ago, helping the children return to their rightful homes."

Jason slightly bummed onto Jaylin's shoulder teasingly, "someone's popular." The people in the background who heard her thought they were talking about the female clerk.

Jaylin didn't show her reaction even though she was bushing inside, "I don't care. Though I wished I stayed in the background," she lowly confessed as she looked for more suits for her brother.

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