Chapter 20: Thanos

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"What do you do?" Shuri asked working on 3D separating millions of neurons linked on the stone, stuck on the forehead of the colorful guy named 'Vision'.

"I'm a doctor, major general surgery and medicine," she spoke watching the outside alongside the leather cloak woman named Wanda she later learned.

Shuri stopped for a second before continuing to work on separating the stone. "What are you waiting for?" She asked in a loud whisper-like voice, "help me out here."

Turning around, Kim stopped watching the outside and went next to Shuri as a copy of the controls appeared in front of her. Working as fast as she could, she started separating the nerves without damaging Vision not caring about the stone.

"Usually in surgery people talk to realize tension. Wanna do that now?" Kim suggested her speed non-stop.

"Your gun should be done by now," Shuri spoke as a plate appeared beside Kim with her gun lying on it. "It should be faster in firing and more resistance. The bullets are reusable."

Without taking her eyes off of the nerves, Kim complimented the younger girl, "you, Shuri are a genius."

"I know," the teen took it full-heartedly.

"Could you possibly make a communicator linking our worlds?" Kim asked curiously.

Shuri thought for a moment stopping her hands not worrying as Kim was also working on Vision. "Possibly, though I think it would take years even for me to find a way."

"When I go back, we'll work on it if you need help sometimes."

"How long, Shuri," the African accented leader's voice passed through the speakers.

"We're barely halfway brother. Kim's helping," Shuri spoke telling him about her helper.

Through the speakers, Shuri's brother spoke again, "you two might want to pick up the pace."

"So, his name is?" Kim asked.

"T'challa, my brother. King of Wakanda," Shuri informed.

"Well, that's nice," Kim commented after a second of digestion and freezing.

"Who's working as a doctor in your place? You can't simply miss work."

"Of course not. I asked a few friends of mine to roleplay me in case I didn't go back in 3 days." Hint, hint WS. [Advice: Keep straight face whenever working or not, feel free at home. Feed Midnight and Dexter. Probably fine for a week, hopefully.] the note was left on the fridge.

Shuri as well as Kim felt the conversation helpful as it lightened the tense mood for a little bit. Wanda who was by Vision's side, listened to their words, her mood lightening just a little bit.

Just when it felt slightly better, distant rumbling and the floor moving interrupted it. Shuri and Kim stopped working looking up. Kim looked back down at vision, nudging Shuri to continue to work. Taking the hint, they continued working.

"Arg!" The two girls heard from behind them. Hurrying up their work, the last guard was taken down.

Shuri having no choice took a blaster out and blasted the intruder, only to be tossed back, breaking the inside balcony's glass. Shutting down the operation, Kim grabbed her own gun and shot the eye of the intruder.

"Ah!" He shouted briefly at the pain before puncturing his spear in her stomach, impaling it. Lifting her up, she threw her backward as well, onto the table where Vision was previously lying on. Coughing up blood, struggling in pain, she listened as the intruder's footsteps approached the table.

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