Chapter 34: New bosses

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FTR: Mei means Little sister

"Ah! Fuck!" Shouted Kim in the middle of a kick before squatting down because of a sudden pain eruption at the center of her stomach. The squat helped with avoiding an unseen punch from the back, which knocked out the one goon at the front. Sliding her legs to the side she tripped the assailant.

"What? What happened? You okay?" Tim's worried voice came across the comms.

The goon on the side was surprised because he was getting beat up before and now the person that was hitting him was on the floor in pain. He wouldn't let this chance pass as he went to kick the woman's side.

"I am not okay!" She shouted in her comms, louder than needed. The one on the other side winced at the volume. Kim then rolled to the side, dodging the guy's kick.

"What happened?!" The teenager shouted.

"What amazing shit happens to a woman when she's in the middle of something important? Mother-fucking cramps!" The woman shouted in rage and used it to throw the last punch at the groom's jaw, most likely dislocating it. "You would think that 6-10? Years in an illegal mercenary group were enough for me to endure the pain. Fucking hell!"

"..." Tim on the other side was wise enough to choose to be quiet.

"I mean come on! I get we need to reproduce and whatnot but seriously?! Every! Single! Fucking! Month!" Kim complained so much. "Why not just once a year! Nobody likes constant bleeding you know!"

Why am I here? Just to suffer, Tim cried in his heart.

The poor criminal who just appeared at the wrong place at the wrong time. Turning the corner, he now stood in front of Kim.

She needs to go to anger management therapy, Tim thought to himself. Thank god he wasn't facing her right now.

He wasn't intimidated, rather he was excited with a feral grin. "Hey little lady, wanna have some fun?"

Oh no, Tim thought in a panic once he heard the voice of an innocent - not - man from the other line speaking to the mad woman. He's going to die.

"Not in the mood," Kim gritted out, holding her stomach and bending forward.

"Come on girly, I'm fun to play with," the goon continued.

"I said, 'not in the FUCKING mood'!" With that, she straightened her back and kicked the man on his balls. When the dude was going down in pain, Kim uppercut him quickly, knocking him out.

"Hey," Nightwing greeted straight after jumping down from the roof above where Kim was. He was honestly worried seeing his little sister holding her stomach in pain, and surrounded by mostly unconscious, some unable to move.

"What are you doing here?" The woman asked her brother while looking up.

"Tim called in about a raging woman on her cycle around this street. Since I have an alien girlfriend he thought that my experience with her would come in handy."

"Your alien girlfriend has—?" Her question was instantly shut up by chocolate shoved in her face. Kim took a moment to think about what had happened. Once she realized it was chocolate, she quieted down and started munching on it. Dick could have sworn his sister looked exactly like a squirrel while munching on the chocolate. He just wouldn't mention his thoughts to her. "You think that's enough?" The woman questioned once the chocolate was finished. Nightwing grabbed a bucket from behind him and handed it to her. "What are the brands?"

"Kit Kat, Ferrero Rocher, Toblerone, Milka—," Nightwing honestly didn't know half of the names he was listed as he found them online, the heighest rated ones at least, he thought, maybe? Might as well put Bruce's money to good use and ship the chocolates in. They probably already have most of the chocolates but better be safe than sorry.

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