Chapter 29: PJ

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Happy valentines people!

Comedy in at the bottom!

Percy Jackson hated the elevator. It was the place where most dangers could occur. Either it would get stuck, sneak attacks which include physical, poisonous gas, the cords breaking sending the people inside to die and to be stuck for hours until they die. Actually, all of them could be dealt with easily, he just mainly hated them since it was the entrance of Olympus, and he now preferred to use stairs. In an alternate mentality, he thought of it as a workout and challenge to reach where he needed in time.

Percy walked up to a front door knocking. He waited a few minutes and the door opened to reveal, Jaylin Todd.

"I'm so honored that the PJ came to fetch me," Jaylin spoke sarcasm laced in her words, clear as day.

"Hardy har har." The two stared at each other before Percy walked closer and embrace her. "I missed you," the guy confessed.

"I was fine without you," she returned the hug.

"Ouch, my feelings." The girl shrugged uncaringly, "Hey, can't you have some heart?"

"Come in," Jaylin said stepping aside, "you can have a couch for the night if you're tired."

"Such a nice host," Percy spoke honestly as he followed what she said. He commented by comparing her actions to what his mom would do.

"Learned this from my brother," she told him.

"Brother? You have a brother?"

"Yeah. You haven't heard?" Percy shook his head. "Nico and Will haven't told you?" Another shake. "You know how I was adopted?" He nodded. "I found my biological brother."

"Congratulations! Are you letting me free now and torture your new brother?"

"You came looking for me. If you hadn't come, I would've forgotten about you."

"How cold." He saw that her attention wasn't on him but on her computer. "What are you doing?" He asked leaning over her shoulder.

"Work," the woman responded plainly.

"Do you have food? I'm starving," Percy said as he walked towards the fridge. Opening the door, he was unpleasantly surprised, "why don't you get any food?!"

"Do you have money?" Jaylin continued to ask as she typed on her computer.

A few hours later, Jaylin and Percy were waiting for the train that would take them to Long Island. Percy had come with the intention of just escorting her not staying the night so he only had a bag with necessities in case of emergency, nectar, and ambrosia. His trusty pen would always remain by his side so he didn't have to worry about that. Jaylin as she didn't have a safe house in Long Island, had Percy carry her duffle bag while she carried her backpack containing her computer, tampons, gun, a lot of ammo, and her two daggers.

"What have you done to my wallet?!" Percy cried holding an empty flat wallet to his heart.

"Stop being a baby. I'm going to take advantage of everything I can, not like your money runs out."

"It does run out!"

"Meh, food was worth it."

"Mom's gonna kill me."

"You'll survive."

"Mom is mom."

"She loves you all the same."

"She won't kill you."


"It's unfair. I'm her blood son and you're just a friend."

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