Chapter 21: Somewhere

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​​If still not understanding A2F means Asshole Fucking Father.

I know the order of the 2 isn't right but too lazy to change it in the previous chapters. So enjoy!

Around her was a black void. Instead of the first instinct of staying quiet and observing her surroundings, she shouted, exasperated as if done with life, "why is my shitty life, so fucking complicated." A few seconds of the shouting, no response, that is, until a bright light engulfed her.

Jaylin's eyes opened up. In front of her face, she could see it was... who the fuck was that?!

"Lin, oh my god, Lin," the man repeated. "Doctors! DOCTORS!" He shouted towards the communicator next to her bed. Once Jaylin tried to speak, she couldn't. She then found out she had a breathing tube inside her mouth and started to panic. "No, no," the man tried to console her. "It's alright. We're in the hospital right now," he spoke calmly and slowly to her.

Important question was, how would the tone of his voice or whatever help in the fucked up condition she was in?

"Can you hear me?" An old doctor asked as he inspected Jaylin's eyes.

A nurse was carefully pulling out the breathing tube from her mouth. Jaylin coughed and asked for water. The man who was next to her bed as soon as she had woken up obliged and hungover some water for her.

"First of all, what in all the holy fuckery is this?" She turned her head towards the man who was next to her bed, "and who the fuck are you, and where the fuck am I?"

"Ma'am, you were in a coma for the last 5 years," the doctor said, keeping his professionalism up. "We're in the Gotham General Hospital. That man," the doctor said looking towards the man who she heartlessly dismissed before, "is your husband, Timothy Drake."

Jaylin's face turned ugly. This is fucked up, she thought throwing the covers over her body before setting her feet on the ground ignoring and shoving other people's hands away.

Realization settled when her feet touched the cold ground, this wasn't happening. She was wide awake, the person claiming to be 'Timothy Drake' was next to her in a flash holding her steady like a doting husband. "What's your full name? How old are you?" She asked bluntly.

Timothy Drake was definitely struck in the heart by her indifferent and cold words, "Timothy Jackson Drake, I'm 29 years old this year. We've been married for 6 years including the years of you in a coma and dating 4 years before that we were dating." Jaylin inspected the man's look, they had the same blue eyes, but the meaning and feelings behind them were completely foreign. His hair was straight and shoulder-length and didn't look as smooth as it once was, looked greasy. He was tall but not taller than Jason... or her. Goddamnit what in the fucking world happened?

| Flashback |

Jaylin and Tim looked each other in the eyes. Both didn't know what was happening, together at the same time they leaned in. A kiss connected between the two.

When pulled away, they'd stared at each other and together they spoke, "we are never doing that again. Friends? Friends. Jason won't know about this."

There was an awkward silence after that. How could the two expect the other to say the same words as the other?

"I'm better off single," Jaylin said unintentionally at the same time as Tim as well.

"I like older girls either way," was what he said.

Another 3 seconds of silence passed before Jaylin spoke again, "Steph's older than you."

Tim blushed fifty shades of red, "we-we're just friends."

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