Chapter 5: Ball

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Once Kim drove out of the cave, she noted that the sky was black and cursed under her breath. She was caught and her mask was off. Good thing she had her contacts and her white hair was hidden. She was so in trouble and had to explain to her brother in the afternoon.

Because she was driving around nothing she looked up to the cloudy sky through her helmet and closed her eyes for a second, "troublesome," she said lowly.

Kim reached her loft building. She drove towards the garage parking her brother's motorcycle and going up to her loft. Jaylin looked at the clock, thankfully it was still 1 am. Jaylin changed her clothes for the day, throwing her ripped clothes into the washing machine and her bloodied leather jacket into the bathroom to be hand washed. Before washing her jacket she took out her green contacts placing them in her lens box. After finishing washing her jacket, she then sat down on her bar counter opening her laptop starting to make up for missed work. She poured some cat food onto a bowl for when Midnight entered her loft for the day.

She stayed there for 2 hours before properly preparing for the day and riding her motorcycle towards the hospital.


In the afternoon, Jason had come by to his sister's home and to meet a sleep-deprived sister on the bar counter, upper body laying down on the table, she just returned from work. He sighed and decided to gave a talk with his sister, so he called her full name catching her attention, and told her his plan. "I need a walk either way."

The Todd siblings soon walked out of the youngest apartment and walked through the park. Even walking they mirrored each other, just in opposite genders, their hands in the pockets, white streak, lazed and relaxed bodies but alert, side by side.

"So..." Jason lamely started.

"Yeah," Jaylin responded understanding where he was going.

"When'd you find out?

"Second or third meeting both versions."

"Do you know about the rest?"

"Have a suspicion but ain't sure."

"Hmm. Are you gonna tell?" Jason hesitantly asked the question.

His sister looked genuinely offended "And send my brother including his family which may or may not help with the night stuff protecting this city to jail. Risking all the loved ones that aren't involved in this business, no I ain't. I'm a doc and you want me to indirectly kill?"

"You have before, can never be too careful," Jason defended herself.

"True but it was before I was this," Jaylin corrected.

They continued to walk in silence, Jason brought up a sentence Kim said the prier night, "what did you mean by 'The bank scene was a total accident, and now it was a total coincidence'?"

Jaylin laughed at the memory, "so, I was going to the bank in the costume, Kim. I arrived there after the bank was being robbed and I was so focused on my reading and listening to music I didn't hear people shouting at me so I walked straight into the bank robbery."

"What happened then?"

"What do you mean, 'What happened then?' Of course, I kicked ass and escaped before Batman could lay a hand on me. Though I did land on his radar which I did again ... last night. Oh my god, why is my life so complicated."

The elder brother laughed, hard. His sister had a lot of bad luck, "so, why were you dressed as 'Kim'?"

The younger shrugged, "it's something I've always done. Being a doctor even residents have good pay so placing that much money in the bank every month or two attracts attention, so why not a costume to divert their attention and not find the real me?"

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