Chapter 28: Gathering

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Jaylin stood in line waiting for her order. When it came she sat down on the last empty table. When she was just going to take a bite out of her burger, a redhead freckle-faced boy sat in front of her. "Is this seat taken?" He asked.

"You're already sitting," Jaylin replied resuming to eat her Burger.

He seemed sort of uncomfortable before wanting to continue on the conversation, "how come you aren't fat?"

The person in question looked up without caring if his words were rude or not, "what do you mean?"

"'What do you mean she says'. Well, how about how you eat four double cheeseburgers, five normal cheeseburgers, let's not forget the double large fries with two large ice teas and five ice creams which in total contains a lot of fat. So yes, how are you not fat?"

"It's rude to ask and as far as I know, you're eating the same quantity," she replied staring at his tray moving onto her fourth burger.

"Fast eater too," the redhead commented. "I got fast metabolism, what's your excuse."

"I love McDs."

"Cool, cool," the redhead chuckled, she seriously had no intentions of continuing on the conversation. "Uh, I'm Wally, by the way. Wally West."

At the mention of his name, Jaylin turned to look at her supposed brother's best friend. What a coincidence they met here. "Lin," she replied.

"Just Lin?" Wally asked. "No last name or anything?" Jaylin did nothing but stare at him as if staring at his soul. "Nice, so you're a mystery woman." He wanted to fiddle around for comfort so he leaned back on the chair. The only problem was that this had not supporter and fell to the ground with a thud.

Jaylin stared down in front of her, checking the air-headed redhead. "You okay?" She asked.

"I'm splendid." With his verbal affirmation, she went back to eating. "Wow, cold," he said with a smile looking at her disinterested look towards him.

"When making a bet with your friends, talk lower," she suggested to the flabbergasted guy.

The redhead's friends as well looked surprised. There was a black-shirted boy that looked like Clark, another younger kid version that looked like Clark, a dark-skinned boy with arm tattoos, and a blond girl. All of them except for the kid were adults, and most likely Dick's teammates when he was younger.

Just then a faint beeping noise was heard. Wally looked at his watch before at his friends. He stood up abruptly and acted as if he never fell, "uh, I need to go. I'll catch you later, princess." Just like that, Wally and his friends left from McDonalds.

Looking at the time, Jaylin noticed that only 5 minutes passed. She was honestly surprised, she felt like she ate for 10 minutes which was 5 minutes more than the average time she eats. And in total, she felt 15 minutes of eating and talking to Wally.

Jaylin suspected that Wally used his speed. She chuckled as she finished drinking her Ice tea and ate her french fries with the ice cream. Weird but she probably wasn't the only one.

"Do we have to?" Jason whined.

"Stop acting like Dex when he doesn't get enough pets."

The mentioned dog barked angrily at Jason. "Calm your paws boss dog," Jason joked as he went to ring the doorbell.

Surprise, surprise, an actual surprise, it was demon spawn who opened the door. He looked at Jason up and down debating whether to let him in or not. His eyes landed on the man's hands, a leash that led to Dexter. "...Todd can stay because he brought Dexter with him," Damian said before removing Dexter's leash and walking away with him following.

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