Chapter 18: League

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Stepping out of the portal after their conversation in Azarath, they were in front of the Teen Titan's tower. "Raven, as much as you are going through, send me back to the Carnival place, my motorcycle's still there," Kim spoke, trying not to show her pain behind her voice.

"Seriously?" Blue beetle asked in a disbelief tone.

Kim snapped a bite at him despite her mask, "get one yourself and you'll understand."

"She loves that vehicle," Robin told him.

Raven, despite being hesitant, still opened a portal, "be fast."

Sending Kim to the carnival site, she quickly located her motorcycle and turned on the engine, driving back towards the portal before it had fully closed.

"Wait!" Robin shouted as Kim reappeared in front of the Teen Titan's tower. "Leave now and you'll always be running."

"Until you get tired and caught. Fight him now," Kim said, getting down from her bike.

"You have no idea what he's like, Damian, Kim. You've never met a monster like Trigon," she said, still not turning around fully to face the team.

"You beat him once," Blue beetle said.

"I was lucky," the young half-demon girl spoke.

Robin stepped forward, closer to her, "now you'll be four times as lucky. If we can't save one of our own, who can we save!" Oh my fucking god, Demon -Dames- is learning. Who knew Dick actually made a good decision. Kim thought, her hand in her pocket recording the conversation for her brothers. Damn, she was such a snitch.

"I thought you hated us," Blue beetle retorted.

"I don't wish you dead anymore," he said with a smirk.

Starfire stepped forward, "Robin's right, we're your best hope."

Just then a portal opened in front of them. The ones who stepped out were half the justice league, meaning only four members. "We heard about the attack. Was she at the center?" Batman asked.

"Her father's an interdimensional demon. He was after her," Starfire reported. Snitch, Kim wanted to say it out loud but could only think of it as it wasn't relevant. She would bring it up later.

"She's coming with us," Batman said, stepping forward.

His son copied his move, shouting "no, we can handle this."

"If she's part of this, we need to know," Batman was stubborn. Whatever he didn't know, was dangerous as always.

"Mind your own fucking business, B," Kim supported the younger vigilante biting at the older one. Most were surprised by her words, talking back to the Batman. Flash sent glares to the two vigilantes that work with batman. "We can protect her."

The justice league looked at each other as it communicated telepathically before Wonder Woman spoke, "I'm sorry Raven. We've had two magic attacks and Superman is missing."

"Sounds like a 'you' problem," Kim snapped as the Amazonian frowned at the attitude. She's spent too long with Jason, Batman thought. Probably.

"No!" Raven suddenly gasped, directing all the attention to herself. Every team member looked back as Kim stared straight ahead daring them to do something.

"What's the matter?" Starfire asked the girl.

"He knows they're here, he wants them here," Raven hurriedly spoke eyes wide looking back.

"Who?" Batman quickly asked, catching on to what she had said.

"If they stay, everything will be lost," Raven warned in a loud and panicked voice.

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