Chapter 22: Friends

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Quote of the day: Even if it is an ordinary day, you will be happy. Let alone, Christmas Eve!

When Kim woke up, she was in a hospital/lab-like room. Wires and machines attached to her, they were keeping her alive, she quickly thought. Disconnecting herself, she found a letter on hand with a TW wax seal. Her dream turns out wasn't a dream. With that thought, she stumbled out of the room after making sure that the letter was somewhere safe and easy to retrieve when she came back. Holding onto the walls for support, she walked in whatever way she felt like.

"Stop!" Shouted a voice from behind her.

Turning around, Kim recognized that face. It was the blond short haired badass female assassin - from what she had observed - from when they fought together in that battle.

Composing herself as the woman approached her, hands held out, Kim asked, "what happened?"

The assassin steeled herself as her hands held onto Kim's elbows. "Thanos won, half the universe's population vanished."

"So the fight was for nothing?" Kim asked, "so how long passed, who's left?"

"Three years passed and not many of us are left." As they walked, they entered a kitchen. The female assassin helped Kim on a table before getting both of them food. Setting the delicacies in front of Kim, the younger woman downed them all as used drinking water.

It was understandable as she didn't have food for 3 years, but then again that much of food intake was unhealthy for a body that just woke up from a 3-year coma.

Once Kim finished, the assassin spoke, "my name's Natasha. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"You're the blonde assassin from when in entered the portal thingy," Kim reported her thoughts.

Natasha kept a straight stare at the younger woman. "Yes, now who are you?"

"My name's Kim. I think I said before but I come from another universe. Similar but different."

As the introductions finished, Natasha filled Kim in on what had happened. Turns out, nothing much had happened in the past 2 years. Well, except many, meaning many therapy groups were made, the whole world was in depression, wow the great depression has another meaning now, anyway, the world is basically in ruins.

"Hey Nat," Kim spoke.

"Don't call me Nat," Natasha interrupted with her glare.

Ignoring her words, Kim continued to speak, "do you have red hair dye?"

Natasha didn't have much work to do as the crime rates had decreased substantially since the snap, as well as many evil organizations. Natasha helped Kim work on applying the hair dye as the young woman's body was already weakened due to the lack of usage.

"We're going to train your body more," Natasha spoke not only witnessing but also feeling the really weak state Kim was in. "We always need to be ready."

Kim stared at Natasha, her dye finally finished being applied wrapped in saran wrap. "I like guns," were her words.


Kim had Tony create a new identity for her in that world, with her alias as her birth name. She re-entered university, graduated a year later, and all that shit but earlier than anyone expected. She became Tony Stark in the medical industry.

Right now, currently, Jaylin with red-dyed hair named Kim to the rest of this world was called Kim, stood by the side witnessing an intern desperately doing CPR on a patient. "Come on," the intern begged. "Please." More specifically, a recently deceased patient.

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