Chapter 25: Malfunction

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Before the story, does anyone know the title of a fem Percy Jackson that is a uni professor and opened a bar for demigods? I can't seem to find it. It would be much appreciated if you sent me the name, thank you!

I haven't mentioned this yet but thank you to those people who follow me and this story :) hope y'all have fun!!

"Recognized, Kim - JK01," the machine said. "Malfunction, malfunction, unrecognized location. Malfunction, malfunction, transporting to nearest Zeta tube."

"Wait, what?" Kim only had time to say those two words before feeling the familiar pull of the portal towards another location.

Once Kim got back to her scene and was out of the Zeta tube, she was assaulted by fireballs. Seeing a familiar suit, she called out, "Robin! What's the situation."

"We're under attack from an unknown source!" He responded unconsciously to the tone.

Kim got out her guns and shot towards the source of the flames. "Who are we fighting!" Grunted an unknown female voice. It wasn't Barb, Cass, or Steph, who was that?

"Don't know, but we're sitting ducks by these tubes," he spoke. Wait, nobody in the team uses a gun, he later thought. Without caring for she was or was not in their team he ordered, "head for the exit." Both girls followed. Robin's only opinion was that at least she wasn't attacking them.

As the three finally got to the exit, Kim got a clearer view of the two. It was a taller Robin, who looked like Artemis from Dick's photos. Oh fuck, she thought.

Robin also got a clearer view of the unknown vigilante. His thoughts were if she was also a new recruit like Artemis was.

They never got to finish their thoughts as a large amount of water came their way. "Hold your breath!" Kim warned.

The two younger teens grunted as the wave collied into them. Kim held her ground, holding as much breath and concentration she could. Swimming in Hawaii during her vacation seemed to have made this one look like a baby.

The three groaned as their backs hit the wall. Artemis quickly went to retrieve her bow and shot towards the source of whatever the fireball was. Kim just followed Robin assumed it was the safest route as she was unfamiliar with this cave. Or what seemed to be a cave.

"Robin to the team. Come in. Aqualad!" Robin spoke into his comms whilst running.

Kim got her comms to work and tried to call Batman. Hopefully, his number was the same. Without running even a quarter of the training room, they were blasted to the floor. "Arg!"

They shook it off and continued to run. They couldn't face something unknown. That would be reckless without a team. "Robin to bat-cave. Override RG4," he tried again.

"Tried that!" Kim shouted.

"H-O-J / watchtower," he continued to try. "B01. Priority ray." After some seconds, he spoke again, "comm is down. Locked."

"No shit, genius," Kim couldn't help but say.

"Hey! At least the water's helping. Who are you by the way?"

The showers started to shake. "Kim, but not the right time," said as the sound of metal pipes started knocking. The water exploded from the pipes into the room.

Kim got her gun and set it to explosive ammo. Aiming it towards a wall, she shot it allowing the water to flow out along with the heroes. They coughed out the water from their systems for a little before the three were able to breathe air again. They started running which seemed to be the better option than staying still and waiting for death.

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