Chapter 19: Void

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Quick note: I started writing this for the heck of it in December 2020, but god damn is it fun to write. Anyways, apologies to people who want to keep the universes separate (friend's opinion). This was a separate fan-fiction I created during my free time, hope you enjoy it.


Around her was a black void. Instead of the first instinct of staying quiet and observing her surroundings, she shouted, exasperated as if done with life, "why is my shitty life, so fucking complicated." A few seconds of the shouting, no response, that is, until a bright light engulfed her.

Before all the dramatics happened, it was after all the Raven's father being a demon fiasco, Jaylin reached home after being dropped off by Dick. To say she was tired was an understatement as she literally seemed to drop dead on the couch, not bothering to even remove her night clothing (not the doctor's uniform). "I so regret going," she spoke out loud as she changed the volume of the music she was listening to an even higher volume, blasting music all around her loft.

"You're going to turn deaf!" Jason's shout was barely hearable.

"Fuck it!" She shouted back over the music, "It's my life!"

Jason chuckled. "Hey, imma head to the bar," he informed her jiggling his keys in front of her face that was leaned back on the couch.

Dexter being the good large puppy lied on Jaylin's stomach growling at Jason to leave. "Listen to my baby," Jaylin joked with a straight face.

"Never thought you were one to use that word," her brother admitted indicating the word 'baby'.

"Don't I call you babies all the time?" She asked.

Jason paused for a bit. "...Valid."

The brother was in a hurry to leave, but he stopped and joked with his sister trying to lift up her mood. Bad decision. Inside Jason, his pit side exploded despite him trying to keep it under control for only a while longer. It had been easier around her but that didn't mean that the remaining effects weren't there.

After a small and fast internal fight against his pit-self, Jason lost his control for the first time in a long time and threw Jaylin a punch.

Surprised at the sudden action, the younger sister didn't have the fastest reaction to dodge, letting the fist hit with its full power on her cheek, almost breaking some bones. Stunned, Jaylin laid on her side, holding her stinging cheek. Looking up she stared at her brother's once blue eyes turned green hue.

The large dog Dexter had moved away, not being part of the conflict. Even if he moved away, that didn't mean he didn't start frantically barking. Something was wrong, something happened to her brother, he was alright a second ago. Instinctively she shouted his name, "Jason!!"

Jason's whole being was filled with anger, pain, and suffering, all that had been suppressed was now released. These things had to happen at the worst timing as always. The normal and rational him was locked up in his own mind, looking through his own eyes but paralyzed at the same time as he watched his body continuing to fight his sister despite her pleas.

"Run!" He tried to yell at her in his mind. Useless, he was stuck.

Jaylin knew this wasn't the Jason she knew. She fought back but did not reach the damaging point as this was still her brother's body.

Another punch without restraint landed on her abdomen. "Ah! Fuck!" She shouted. "Goddammit, Jason! Wake the fuck up!" As an afterthought, the most important thing that should have been mentioned in the being, she yelled, "and stop fucking throwing punches at me!"

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