Chapter 30: M+DC

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"Rise and shine, bitch," Jason woke her up in a cheery voice

Raising her hand she showed the middle finger, "fuck off, ya big ass dummy."

"Your almost late for work," he commented.

"Sleep still feels better."

"Doctors can't be late."

"Tell that to my year ago teacher."

"Danny will complain about you pushing responsibilities onto him."

"Fuck his complaints."

"If you don't wake up you'll regret it."

A second passed. The body of Jaylin Todd rose, "fuck you."

"Love you, too. By the way, breakfasts ready," said Jason after leaving his sister's room.

"You're a monster," both knew what she meant so he didn't take it as an insult.

"You're usually awake at this time."

"Usually an insomniac running on coffee."

"Older female version of replacement and blood related to me."

"More tired version of coffee addict."

"Why am I having a sense of deja vu off this conversation?"

"Probably had it before," shrugged the elder brother.

And so, it was another day, with another bank robbery down the street. Jaylin was casually walking around the corner and police cars surrounded the very same bank she met Batman and Dick in. She was in a bad mood today, for correction, she was in a terrible mood that morning as her brother had woken her up from a blissful dream. She led an army of stone soldiers, to fight what, that was unclear, but Selena Gomez was her hairstylist for some reason.

"This another robbery? How many times this month?" Jaylin asked a cop.

The cop turned around and turn out, it was commissioner Gordon. "You are?"

"J. Todd," She replied.

Gordon looked Jaylin up and down, black hair, white streak, blue eyes. Check, check and check, "new cape or female Jason?"

"No cape, just guns," she answered with a smile.

"Hood?" Gordon asked.

Jaylin pointed at herself, "long lost sister."

Gordon sighed, Bat-family shit right in front of him. "It's the 13 or 14th time this month." Jaylin looked around and found Burger King still listening to Godiva words. "Don't do anything rash," he warned when he noticed her being distracted.

Jaylin nodded absentmindedly in reply, slipping away and walking into the Burger King. Quickly ordering 4 bags of take-out, she walked into the bank. The police outside stood their ground by the commissioner's orders. He was curious as to what she was gonna do as well.

"Knock, knock," she spoke despite entering already. She observed the area, 3 robbers, 22 civilians.

Her voice drew the attention of the robbers away from the people scared to shit on the floor. A robber pumped the shotgun for a new round.

"Get on your knees!" One of them shouted at Jaylin.

Jaylin obeyed while talking, "dude, I just came to deliver burgers for a .... Tadija Eilionoir?"

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