Chapter 31: COLJS

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A/N: COLJS is an evil company Jaylin's adoptive father owns that links to the illegal child mercenary camps.

I edited this chapter, not everything, but I removed a scene which I found disturbing and not needed.

COLJS wouldn't end just in one year. It had been around for many years, letting it gain more power and experience. It would take her a long time to take them down, but, looking around, she smiled, she wasn't alone. She had friends, she had family and she was a life. Life would work in many ways. The future is always unknown, but that's what makes it scary and exciting.

Basically, on the next day, a stupidly bright blond walked into a building holding a briefcase. That man was Luca McCoy. Wearing very bright colors - the primary colors, in other words - walked into one of the companies owned by the camp. With headphones on, and singing Baby by Justin Bieber loudly. He essentially entered the elevator passing - pushing - many people surrounding the entrance.

When he entered singing, the people were weirded out without even caring if they arrived late to their desks and didn't enter the elevator, they only wanted to stay away from the lunatic with a gigantic smile on his face. Hopefully, this wasn't another joker.

Once the elevator started, he took off his pants changing them to trousers. He shoot off his headphones landed on his bag and started taking his shirt off with difficulty. "Seriously?" He heard from his earpiece.

"Why is this shirt so tight," Luca wondered out loud struggling to get his shirt off.

Finally, the shirt off his chest open to the one in the elevator which was nobody, but "Ding!" The elevator went. The door opened and in front of him were women, starting at his chest, to be more exact, really toned muscles. The guy was quiet, not answering, and simply glared at the woman staring with lust at his down part with imaginations running wild. Once the door was closing, multiple of them did the motion of 'call me maybe' mime.

When the door finally closed, the women screamed like fangirls. The ones who had just arrived to go onto the elevator were welcomed by the sight of middle-aged women, jumping, holding their hands screaming at each other as if they were teenagers again. It got them weirded-out looks.

Luca quickly returned to putting on formal clothing with a nasty somber look. "They looked at me as if I was an object," he grumbled.

"Do you seriously expect them not to?" Leo asked inside his little hideout staring at the screens with his red eyes without blinking. "Remember what happened when we were kids? The Kid Jaylin?" Leo emphasized the last words.

Luca got out his phone once finishing his clothes and placed with on his ear as if calling someone. "Oh right."

"Can we not bring this up?" Jaylin whined. This was the most embarrassing past memory ever. The elevator was taking its time helping the guys to make Jaylin uncomfortable.

"You had us in leashes," Luca spit out.

"You turned us into dogs," Leo continued.

"I was a child."

"A messed up child! You gave us shock collars!"

"They were imaginary! You went with it!" The girl defended herself.

"We were at your beck and call," Luca deadpanned. Walking out of the elevator as his friends continued to talk to each other. One defending themselves and the other bringing up more embarrassing moments - telling a new student Saturday and Sunday didn't have school-. Looking at the secretary, he held up his fake ID quickly. "Hi, my name's Issac De Snuts," Luca made sure to say his name slowly and clearly. "From NCCS tech repairs. Mr. Galvin Galah asked for repairs on his computer," he said moving towards the office door.

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