Chapter 23: Home

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Getting up from the ground, Jaylin found her phone lying next to her. Taking a second to register her dream, she didn't understand what was happening until the phone rang. Waiting a few seconds, she picked it up.

"Jaylin! I've been trying to reach you for the past few hours. Since the people started disappearing and reappeared 6 hours ago, there have been many accidents." So her dream might have been reality? She wondered. "I couldn't contact you so I thought that you disappeared too. We need all the help we can get at the hospital," Toni's hurried voice rushed out of her phone.

Jaylin, somewhere in between his long and fast debrief, had gotten her keys and was on her motorcycle driving towards the hospital. "What's the situation?" She asked through the phone.

"Many people came because of crashes. Hours ago, half the doctors disappeared so we were short-handed," Toni told her. "No, hey! He needs immediate surgery, ya ass!"

"There's no one to perform it," the resident spoke. "Every doctor's unavailable."

Jaylin, still on the way ordered Toni hearing their conversation, "prepare the surgery room." No response from the other side. "TONI!" She shouted to get his attention.

"Yes," anxiety and panic were present in his voice.

"Prepare a surgery room. Get that resident whoever it at the front desk. You work as my first assistant," she ordered parking the motorcycle underground.

"Yes!" Toni responded, "the patient has TBI (traumatic brain injury). We're in the operation room Dr. Filipe usually operates in." With that Toni hung up and Jaylin took off her helmet.

Quickly taking off her clothes and changing them, washed her hands and forearms, dried them with paper, and then finally ran towards the operating room. Jaylin's hands were stretched out, the nurses slipped the scrubs on her, while another nurse helped put on the gloves.

"Start the surgery," Jaylin announced.

Toni started applying disinfectant on the surface of the patient's skull, Jaylin started the incision. Flipping the skin over, Toni started to clean the blood on the skull. Making four burr holes, on the skill using the drill, she carefully used a bone saw to cut them out and removed them for another assistant to assemble with titanium plates and screws. Underneath the bone flap was epidural blood which Toni helpfully sucked allowing a clear view of the epidural space. Placing a drain in the space is then secured by going through the incision. Jaylin then places the bone flap back and screws it in place. The skin flap is flipped back and closed with staples, which in the surgeon's opinion is the most satisfying part.

This whole procedure took about 2 and a half hours, faster than usual. Once they came out of the surgery room, most were sweating.

"Toni, how many more patients are in for this surgery?"

"Around ten, why?" He asked still slightly disturbed by the surgery taking place.

"I'll take another 5, prepare the next operation room," she ordered walking towards the next room.

"W-what?" Toni asked hesitantly.

"Next surgery, fast. The patients can't wait," she spoke firmly.

Ah, she's crazy, the guy thought nonetheless following behind her while calling the next room about the change of plans. "This is Toni from the general surgery department. Dr. Todd is taking over, so you guys can focus on more serve accidents."

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