DenSu (Hetalia)

26 1 0

Pairing: Denmark x Sweden

Fandom: Hetalia

Requested by: _NENEPAPA_

Other Ship Names: SuDen, DenSwe

Warnings: None


I don't have any particularly strong feelings on it, but I've always found it a little odd, considering how often they've been at war throughout history.  Seriously, their history is not great, to put it lightly.  And while their relations are better now, Sweden maintained a policy of neutrality from the early 19th century until 2009.  This sets it apart from similar ships like FrUK, which have moments of supporting each other in the twentieth century, particularly in times of war.  But while Sweden's neutrality during WWII in particular remains contested, they officially were neutral.  Today, Sweden is still a neutral and non-aligned country regards to foreign and security policy.  

Denmark and Sweden do have a lot of cultural links, and there are Swedish people living in Denmark, and Danish people living in Sweden.

Hetalia-wise, I guess it could be interesting, with Denmark's loud personality versus Sweden's more introverted one.  Though I don't ship it.  Of course, I don't actually ship Denmark with anyone romantically, as I headcanon him as aro.

Rating: 4/10

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