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HEY soooo it's bean a while but I wanted to update all of you on the story and future story's. So as some of you know I have dictated to not write the other book of my story and started another fanatic. But I want to tell you the reason in detail. The main reason I dictated to get rid of it, is I lost interest in the story line and was thinking that there was not much to add to the story I also though that adding to it would ruin the whole idea of it. The other reason is personal reasons so I wont go in to, to much detail but basically my friends joined and found my account. They hate Hazbin and the idea of it, and i'm just a really self conscious person and I feared of them judging me for writing this. One last thing reason was I started to lose interest in writing and I was just in a dark place but, if it wasn't for my school friends who love Hazbin who encouraged me to write this I probably wouldn't  have started to really get into writing and thinking about working on better my writing so I can hopefully one day publish a book about a dream I had. On other words I want to tell you guy's that I will be making another account just for my Hazbin stuff. I know this is not the best idea but I hope you understand. My new account name is Magic_Hell579 I do have a story in the makeing but will take a little bit to get it published I do have my other story on this account and another story I'm working on that I hope to one day publish out there plus I have to keep up with school. Thank you all for understanding and I hope to see you in my other account good day that's all :)

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