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"Please dont make this any harder than it has to be Alastor. I just simply wanted my pet back thats all." Val smiled at Alastor who started to panic his smile twitching wanted to drop as the other demons pushed him out of the room. "Bye now!" Val yelled walking over to Angel who was now standing next to Vox and grabbing his fluff making him moan. Littel did Alastor know that was last thing he would see of Angel for a long time.

No one's P.O.V (main focus on Angel)

One year later


Angel had remembered nothing of the day he was kidnapped by Vox all he did remember was pain in his head and a red blur being pushed out the room.

It was morning and Angel woke up in Valentino's room in his house as usual. His ass hurt his head pounded with pain as well as he looked over to Val and got up. He looked around the room rubbing his head taking in a deep breath. Evry time he went out with Val they would walk near a hotel that made Angel feel safe and happy like he was ment to be there but as always Val would just pat his head and say that it was just a feeling and to ignore it which of course Angel believed him. Angel got dressed into his normal entire and walked out the room and to the kitchen. The hole house smelled of blood and death. It was a small ghetto house but Angel never did mind as long as he had a place to stay he was 'happy'. Angel started to get some ingredients for breakfast till he noticed that they where out of eggs which he needed for what he was making. Angel sighed rubbing his neck and walking back to Valentino's room. "Val~" Angel said lightly shaking him to wake him. Valentino growled as he pulled the covers over him. "The hell do you want Angie?" He said pulling the covers aggressively down revealing his sleepy face. Angel's face filled with fear as Val had his angry face on. "I-i was just wondering if I could head to town to go get some stuff for breakfast?" He said slightly trembling. Val rolled his eyes and pulled out some money and handed it to Angel as he said thanks to him. Val rarely let Angel out especially on his own unless it was for his services of course. He put his fedora on and his shoes and walked out makibg his way to town. Angel walked down the streets his head down to not make eye contact with anyone as he made his way to a nearby store till he heard screaming in a near by allyway.

Ever since Angel's disappearance Alastor was almost invisible in the hotel almost never there only to feed fat nuggets and to do paper work. He completely lost almost all his sanity as he started to kill more offend he started to slowly become the demon he was before meeting Angel. He lost his temper easily and killing more and more demons evry day somedays broadcasting his power like he once did. Today he lost his temper as Vaggie asked him to go into Angel's room and change the sheet's. He was standing in an allyway pinning someone up to the wall as they screamed and begged. Alastor had blood dripping from evry part of his body mainly his hands and mouth befor biting down on the demons neck that was pinned to the wall. He strengthened his bite till the demon stopped moving and he dropped the lifeless body to the ground and he turned his head to see a demon looking over to him. Alastor growled and ran up to the demon that was staring at him pinning his to a wall as well. The demons eyes filled with fear as there eyes met making the demon that was pinned start to relax and feel safe for some reason.

Hear he was about to meet his doom till he saw the demon that held him to the wall his eyes met the other demons eyes. Angel felt safe even thought he was being pinned to a wall. This demon made him happy he made him feel good as he starred into there eyes. The demon looked up and down at Angel till he met his eyes. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours till Alastor dropped Angel to the ground as he struggled to get up. Alastor looked over to see other demons running over  and passed the many dead bodies. "Alastor!" Charlie yelled walking up to Alastor who was back to his normal self but this time shocked and in fear. "Goodness what was that all abo-" Charlie looked down at Angel her mouth dropping as her face lit up she jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh you found him!" She squealed landing a hand to Angel. He dused himself off and looked at the 3 demons in front of him. "I'm sorry who are you?" Vaggied Charlie and Alastor's faces dropped with Angel's words. "Your saying you dont remember us?" Charlie said looking at Vaggie Alastor and back at Angel. "I'm afraid not." He siad shrugging his shoulders. "Excuse us just a moment." She said pulling Alastor and Vaggie close to her. "Alastor do you have any idea what happened?" Alastor's face was still blank. "Alastor!?" Charlie yelled snaking Alastor behind his head. "I did say that they changed him but erased his memory? I dont know." Vaggie and Charlie looked over to Angel who was looking down at the ground. "Well we need a way to trigger his memory's." Alastor looked down and back at Angel. "I think I know." He said turning to Angel and pulling him to a kiss befor Angel slapped him and pulled away from the kiss. "What the hell!? Yeah I get it I'm a slut but that doesn't mean ya can try to kill me and than kiss me!" He yelled putting his upper hand up to chest as he yelled. Alastor rubbed his cheek that Angel slapped his face flooded with sadness and rejection. "Yall are fucked up I'm going." Angel than walked off and to the store. "Come on guys we cant give up now!... W-we just got him back." Charlie started to tear up before making a fist with one of her hands and hitting her other hand with it. "Let's just see where he's staying and we can go from there."

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