"Promises to keep"

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A/N- the season is winter and it is snowing in hell. I know it doesn't make sense because its hell but just deal with it it's for plot.


He walked over the door but than collapsed the sounds of gun shots yelling and running could be heard from out side the room. Angel looked at the bathroom door till it swung open and a red blurr ran to Angel shaking him and yelling his name.

No one's P.O.V

The blurr shook Angel desperately his eyes fluttering open. "Alastor?" Angel said till he passed out in Alastor's arms.

"I dont know what happened when I wasn't in there but something pushed him over the edge." "I never thought Angel would do this." "Is he going to be ok?" Angel looked around the blurred demons talking in the kitchen as he layed down on the lobby couch. "Ok what do we do whe-" just than the hotel doors slammed shut and evryone turned to the couch to Angel missing. "I will go talk to him." Alastor said calmly befor taking his coat from the coat hanger and putting it on. Alastor walked out and immediately started walking to the hotel's gazebo and to his surprise Angel was there just sitting on the roof. Alastor continued to walk through the snow and along the way he found a flower. Alastor picked the flower and looked at it smiling more till he continued to walk to the gazebo and quietly up the latter it had. "It simply does have a wonderful view up here doesn't it." Alastor said whipping away the snow that was on the roof away and sitting down. "Hear. I dont want you to cach a cold." Alastor took off his jacket and placed it on Angel's shoulders. "Thanks." Angel said sniffling and wiping away his tears. "And this. It's a sweet devil flower. They are flowers that only grow in winter." (Made up flower) Alastor handed the flower to Angel who just looked at it confused. "It stays strong even when times are hard." Alastor looked over at Angel who was gripping tite onto his jacket. "Al I dont want to be strong anymore. I-i want to be free from all my problems." Angel fell into Alastor's arms as he began to cry gasping for air when he did. "H-how did you n-not move on when I was kidnapped by Val?" Alastor held Angel close as he looked up at the sky the stars bright and the moon shone in a crimson red. "Because my dear when you left...I felt as if a part of me left as well." Angel smiled and giggled looking at the flower Alastor gave him and spun it in his hand. "Al..." Angel said turning to look up at Alastor. "Yes my dear?" Alastor looked down at Angel there eyes met and it was like when they first met all over again. "I love you! Please never leave me." Angel lifted himself up and wrapped around Alastor. "I love you to." Alastor held Angel even closer to him as they rocked back and forth calming Angel down. "Are you ready to go back in love?" Alastor looked back up at the sky rocking Angel in his arms. "Yeah. Right after this." He said befor kissing Alastor and pulling away throwing a snowball at him and jumping down the roof of the gazebo still with Alastor's jacket. "Oooh Angel get back over hear!" Alastor yelled playfully and also jumping off the roof and running back to Angel. Angel collapsed under a tree on a small hill his back hitting the snow as he fell. "You are quite the runner my dear." Alastor said out of breath also falling into the snow. Angel laughed and started to spread his arm's and legs to make himself a snow angel. He got up and looked at it. "What is that?" Alastor lifted himself up and looked at Angel. "Ya' kiddin right?" Angel said folding his arms. "Its a snow Angel. My mom and I used to make them all the time because it snowed so much up in New York." Alastor pulled Angel down and sat him in between his legs. "Well your my snow Angel." Alastor than took some snow of the ground and started to spread it all over Angel's legs before he started to tickle his side's making Angel start to laugh and try to break himself free. "Oh my- hahahh no stop- ahhahhhahah." Angel couldn't stop laughing as Alastor held tite onto him with one arm the other was tickling him. "Hehe Al~" Angel chuckled reaching behind him and touching Alastor's ears. "No you dont." Alastor said taking his hands off of Angel to shoo his hand away. "Try me deer boy!" Angel yelled getting up and running down the hill. "Seems he's back to his normal self." Alastor chuckled to himself befor getting up and running after Angel. About 5 minutes later they where finally tired and it was so cold that when they breathed you could see there breath. Alastor chuckled picking Angel up in his arm's. "Shall we go back inside?" He questioned Angel. "Oh we shall~" he giggled lifting one of his legs straight in the air. Alastor carried Angel all the back to the hotel before putting him down before they walked in. Alastor opened the door for Angel holding out a arm. "Wow what happened to you two?!" Charlie said wiping off the snow from the tall demon's. "I can assure you Charlie evry thing is splendid Angel hear just started a little snow ball fight is all." He said patting her head and taking Angel to the fireplace in the lobby. "Care for some tea my love?" Alastor said pulling out a hair tie from his pocket. "That would be great. Jasmine please." Alastor nodded and put up his hair in a small ponytail. "I'll be making dinner everyone no need to worry." Alastor said before disappearing into the kitchen.

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