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He said and opening the door for Angel to walk in. He layed down on his bed and grabbed the sudden talk about my mom tonight ju-" he was cut off by warm lips pressing against his. "I know." Alastor said moving the pillow out of the way and laying down on his bed next to Angel. "Thank you." He replied and let Alastor kiss him all over with quiet moans escaping him.

No one's P.O.V

NSFW/ Rape/ Cutting/ Suicide/ Gore

The morning came and Angel woke with the worst headache it was probably from how hard Alastor did him last night. He looked over to see Alastor smiling as he slept. Angel got up and walked over to the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror untill his phone buzzed from next to the bed making him sigh angrily and picked up his phone to read a text message from Valentino. 'Angel cakes~ Its Saturday and you know what that means~' Angel whimpered as he set his phone down replying with. 'Be there in 10' He sighed again and looked over at Alastor who was suprising still asleep. "I'm sorry." He whispered and kissed him on his forehead befor walking out the room. He got ready for the day and wore a fluffy sweater with a V neck that revealed his boob fluff with his normal boots. He looked at the time that was 9am. Yes it was early but he knew that no one was awake yet. "I'll be in and out. No one will know I'm gone...except Al maby." Angel said to himself before quietly opening and closing the hotel doors to see many other demons walking the streets of hell. He walked past bars and clubs and got a few cat calls from other demons who couldn't keep their eyes to themselves. Soon he made it to the studio and walked in no one questioned Angel as they all knew that Saturday was strictly just for Valentino and his personal pet. The elevator doors opened and Angel walked out and to Valentino's office doors. "Val?" He said looking over his boss's office for any sign of him till he felt arms wrapped around his waist making him turn his head to see Val holding him tite against him. Val smiled at Angel and bit down on his neck making him moan. "W-why so erly today Val?" He managed to say in between moans. "I missed my littel pet~" he said seductively into Angel's ears befor putting a collar on him. Valentino let Angel go befor pushing him to his desk and bending him over to reveal his ass. Val pulled down his pants and boxers and shoved in a dildo into his hole. "Mph!~" Angel moaned with shock as Val pushed it in further. "W-why do I f-feel like th-this is a pun-punishment?" Valentino chuckled and pulled up Angel's boxers. "I just want to test out my new toys on you that's all. Shall we start with these two?" He then pulled out a small controller and pushed a button on it making it send a shock through Angel's body making him fall to the ground. "This littel toy is a new collar. And the other one?." He pulled out another controller and pushed the button on that one as well making the toy that was in Angel start to vibrate causing him to crawl across the floor befor Val walked over to him stepping on Angel's hand. He cried out in pain with the shock and Val on his hand. "How about we go through your training?" He said sitting down in his chair gesturing for Angel to stand up which he did. "Vary good my littel Angel. Now moan for daddy." He said pulling out a small wip from inside his desk and hitting it on the table making Angel flinch. He did evry command Val had asked him to with the occasional hit or slap. It was a good 2 hours later meaning it was almost noon. "You did fairly well today Angel cakes. Your free to go right after this." He gestured to his groin for Angel to suck it which he hesitated till Val hit him multiple times untill he did. It wasn't long till Angel came along with Val. "Now go clean up ya little slut." Val said hitting Angel across the face he limped over to the door and into the elevator. He made it to the floor where all the other actor's where and made his way to his room. "Hey Angel rough time today huh!?" Yelled another actor that pulled up in front of him and pulled up his head up by his hair to meet eye level with them. Angel scoffed at the other demon. "Do your worst. Ther is nothing ya can do that Val hasn't done." He said almost as if he was looking for a fight. "Or are ya to scared?" He said again bracing himself for the worst. Other actor's crowded the area where Angel and another actor where. Just than Angel was pinned up into the air to a wall by his neck by the other demon. "Jusy because you are the head slut hear dosen't mean you can run around and act like you own the place!" The demon yelled as Angel just stayed pinned to the wall as he started to struggle to breath and beg to be let go but it only made the demon titan his grip on Angel's throat. "Look at that your finally learning." He said throwing Angel across the room making him hit a dresser. "Next time learn to stay out of the way of other demons you fucking Slut." Angel sighed and grunted as he stood up limping his way to his dressing room. When he finally got to his room he locked to door and fell to the ground and started to sob into his arm's. "WHY WHY WHY!?" He yelled tugging onto his hair and slapping himself as if not getting the shit beaten out of him twice wasn't enough. He got up and walked to a dresser and pulled out a small blade from a pencil sharpener. He took off his gloves and rolled up his sleeves revealing his once fresh cuts that wher now scars of a tragic past. " one month...ONE FUCKING MONTH I COULD GO WITHOUT THIS!" He yelled as he held his wrist and slicing them many times causing blood to pool in the cuts and dripping down his arms.

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