Just enjoy

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Happy Radiodust week yall. Hope you enjoy this short chapter. Also this is something that happened a little after they started dating.

Alastor got up off his bed after setting his book down. He walked out his room and looked around the hall way and knocking on Angel's door. Alastor waited but still no reply so he walked into the the spider's room. The air was sweet and warm like a blanket as he looked around the room till he saw Angel laying on his bed scrolling through his phone and had some head phone's on. Alastor chuckled to himself and walked over to him and to his surprise Angel still hadn't noticed he was in his room. Alastor fell onto Angel's bed finally making him realize someone was in the room. Angel lowered his phone to Alastor crawling towards him. When Alastor made his way to Angel he set his face in Angel's boob fluff. "What's up Al~" Angel said setting his stuff down and running his fingers through Alastor's hair. "Nothing my dear." He lifted his head up and put it back down. "What's up with you?~" Angel said in a seductive tone as he ran his hands down to where Alastor's tail was located. "Just missed you is all~" he lifted him self up to Angel and started to kiss him. "Al~" Angel looked up at Alastor his face filled with lust as he lightly pulled Alastor's tail. "Mph~" Alastor's eyes rolled back as he clenched Angel's thighs making Angel gasp from the sudden touch. Alastor let go of Angel and reached back to his tail and forced Angel's hand to realise his tail. "Oh come on Al~" Angel said playfully leaning closer to him. Alastor chuckled and shook his head before placing his face back into Angel's fluff taking in the sweet scent of him his face  turning a light pink as he blushed. Angel looked over to check the time it read. '11:45' he sighed and patted Alastor's head befor falling asleep with Alastor on him.

When You First Walked In (NSFW Radiodust)Where stories live. Discover now