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!!Serious NSFW!!

"Angel?" Angel chuckled and put his and Alastors lips back and smiling even more."what up smiles?" Alastor looked back at Angel who was looking more seductive then usual. "Angel dear i... I want y-you...to..."

No ones P.O.V

"Angel dear i...I want y-you...to...to dominate me..." Alastor's word made Angel heat up all over."Please Angel I want you to dominate me do what you have been holding back!" Angel hesitated for a bit till he grabbed the deer by his antlers and putting Alastors face right in front of his."Alastor the things I have been holding back is alot I don't wanna hurt ya. Plus I'm not one to fuck but the one being fucked and pushed around like a sex slut." Alastor looked up to see Angel blushing a deep red. Angel's top arms stroked Alastors ears making him shiver in pleasure and let out a light noise."Look Angel I dont care if you hurt me I have been threw much more then you topping me in sex. Plus I have always wanted to be topped..." Angel stopped stroking Alastors ears and pushed his back to the couch even more putting 2 hands and each of Alastors ears stroking them even more."Is that so? We can do it tomorrow night so no one can hear how loud you'll be moaning. Angel got off of Alastors lap and walked up to his room still a bit wobbly. "Angel~" Alastor whispered as he watched Angel disappear into the dark hallway.

The days went on till it was finally the moment both Alastor and Angel have bean waiting for. The sun fell and the moon raised. Angel walked over to the bar wher Husk immediately slid a big bottle of whiskey and took a sip winking at Angel witch in return gave him a confused look. Alastor walked over to the bar and sat down next to Angel on one of the other bar stools and lifted a finger to Husk in witch he slid Alastor a beer bottle."Ok then? Apparently ya drink now thats what I like to see." Angel turned to face Alastor who was already facing him and taking sips of his beer."well I do only drink when I'm exhausted or excited." Angel gave the other demon a little smirk in witch made Alastors cheeks heat up."Well I gotta go see you too fags tomorrow." And with that Husk put down a shot glass he was cleaning and picked up a bottle of booze they all new he was not supposed to have but the other two demons paied no mide and continued looking into each others eyes. Alastor chugged the rest of his beer witch shocked Angel who was only half way done with his whiskey. "We still up for tonight Al?" Angel said befor taking a big gulp of his drink. Alastor shook his head up and down while he to took a sip of another drink he had summoned. "Well...let's get this over with." Angel said slamming his bottel down after drinking the rest. Alastor shot up in suprises of Angel's random bottle slamming. Angel pulled out one of his hands to Alastor who gladly took it. They walked out of the lobby and down to wher Angel's room was holding hands. As they walked in Alastor fell on Angel's bed with a sigh. "Oh no no no Al we dont need my bed for tonight~" Alastor lifted his head up confused as to what Angel ment. Angel opened one of his meny closet's bu this closet in particular was special. Angel opened the closet and to Alastors suprises it was filled with wips chains dildos and meny other sex related toys for Angel's pleasure or the one he was providing his services to. Alastor gulped and started to blush so much his pale white skin was a dark red. Angel looked over and chuckled at Alastors reaction."Ya really think I'm going that low on ya. Well ya wrong." Angel moved a wip and pushed a button that was hidden. As Angel pushed the button a hole new door was revealed and he opened it and put out a arm for Alastor to walk in after turning on the dim lights. As Alastor walked in Angel not far behind the look of slight fear started to appear on his face as he looked around the room. "Last chance to back down Al.~" Angel said seductively with a small wip in his hand."Oh Angel I'm staying for as long as you want me here~" Alastor said turning to Angel who was closing the door behind him. "Ok Al. Dont blame me if your ass starts hurting like hell." Angel said slightly wiping his thigh with the wip. Alastor gulped in fear but still couldn't wait to be the one who was helpless and has Angel's body all over him. Alastor looked away for a split second and when he turned his head back to wher the door was Angel stood in front of him holding the neck of his shirt making Alastor bend down so he was eye level with him. Angel chuckled and walked behind the taller demon who was fairly confused.

When You First Walked In (NSFW Radiodust)Where stories live. Discover now