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Befor we start I would love to give a Shutout to Dragon_wingsK she is a really good friend of mine irl and she has a few books in the making that are really good. She uploads offend and if I'm being honest shes an under rated writer.  So please go check her out her books are great. That's all now please enjoy the story.

Also there a lot of cussing and bad grammar... soooooooooooooo...please stand by whail the writer has her 3 mental breakdown of the day....Ok I'm good let's get going. Shall we?


Angel winked and walked up the stairs to his room swaying his hips back and forth. Alastor melted into the chair he sat in and and sighed giving off a crooked smile. "I love you...my dearest Angel."

No ones P.O.V

It was a quiet day in the hotel it seemed as if the hole place was abandoned. Husk was out to the casino Charlie Vaggie and Nifty wher out on a long shopping trip and Alastor ran to fo do some errands which ment that Angel was in the hotel pretty much by him self other than Ace but him and Ace did not get along very well. In fact thay hated each other guts if they had the chance they would probably kill each other. Angel was relaxing in a chair in his room reading a book and petting Fat nuggets. He never was a fan of books that was till he started to find a fascination in Alastors ways. He closed his book and set Fat nuggets down on his bed. He fixed up his suit and walked out of his room and across the hall to Alastors room. He nocked on the door befor he remembered that he had left but than the door cracked open a cold burst flooded out the room witch made Angel shiver. Angel placed a hand on door handle. It was fridge Angel didn't know why it was that way but he was a bit determined to know. He slowly pushed the door open as he did the door made a  squeaking sound. He walked in and the room was nicely decorated evrything had a place and you could tell. Alastor was a very clean and organized man never really one to party or have something dirty. Angel looked around the room till he saw one of Alastors jackets he remembered how happy and safe he felt with it. Angel reached for the jacket and pulled it close to him taking in the smell of faint strawberries and calgon. The smell made him feel. Happy. Safe. Free. Wild. Anything his heart desired. Angel smiled more as he fell onto Alastors bed still hugging the jacket. Angel placed his lower hands on the bed and ruffled with fluffy blankets that wher on the bed. "My god why is evrything about this man so hot and lovely!?" Angel questioned tightening his grip on Alastors jacket and taking in a big whiff. "Why cant I just tell him that I love him and I want to be with him?" Angel got up and smiled to himself befor giving off a small chuckle. He got off of Alastors bed still holding Alastors jacket and walked out the cold dimly lit room. Just as he was about to close the door a shadow appeared in a corner of Alastors room its smile inhuman. Angel froze befor quickly closing the door the rest of the way and running across the hall to his room. As Angel made it in his room he slammed the door and plopped on his bed holding Alastors jacket closer than ever. He sighed and sat up looking at the red colored jacket before he slid it over his shoulders and smiling. Fat nuggets looked up at Angel who looked happier than ever with a real genuine smile. Fat nuggets let off a light oink in response to Angel hugging himself and smelling Alastor's jacket. (Yes it is weird that Angel likes to smell Alastor's jacket but y'all can't say that ya like the smell your bf ot gf  hoodie!not that I would know.) Angel scoffed at his pig who was hardcore judging him silently. "What ya cant tell me that hes not great! I mean look at him...hes perfect." Angel looked down at his pig who just oinked and fell back to sleep. "Of course ya wouldn't get it ya pig for crying out loud! I need to talk to someone..." Angel than picked up his phone that was liying on his bed and facetimed Charrie. The phone rang for a bit till Charrie picked up. "Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Charrie yelled throwing one of her arms up that held a bottle. "Hey hows it going Charrie?" Charrie looked around till she stoped and looked at Angel in the camera. "Ya know real good I was actually just gonna call ya to see if you I dont know wanted to come over and im having a party. I got the gooooood stuff." Charrie pulled out a small bag of 'Angel Dust' and shook  it in front of the camera. "God dam ya know my weakness. I'll be ther in a bit." Charrie winked at Angel and hung up. "Welp Nugs guess wher going out." Angel got dressed up into a different outfit than usual it was a black cropped turtleneck shirt with light blue body shorts.

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