"A little Remembrance" pt.2

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Previously: Angel's P.O.V

My bottem hands pushed up on to the wall my top ones wrapped around Alastors neck my length was harder then ever and I felt very tight. One of Alastors hands wher on my hip to hold me up surprisingly he was fairly strong. His other hand gripped tight on my hair making me release some Pre-Cum.

No ones P.O.V

Alastor was whereing nothing but is red and black striped shirt that was unbuttoned for Angel's inpatient self.

Alastor lined himself up to Angel's entrance and looked at him with a larger smile if it where possible." I am terribly sorry if I do not please you my dear it has been a while since I've done this do forgive me." Angel chuckled and whispered in Alastors ear "just go on I dont care~" Angel lifted his head up and winked.

"Then do prepare~" Alastor quickly trusted in Angel maked him stick out his tongue and moan loudly. He didn't give Angel a single moment to get used to his length and he just went straight to quickly thrusting. Angel's legs where shaking heart racing and panting to the plusher from his partner. The cold room that was Angel's started to heat up from the both demons panting and out of breath from both pleasure and pain.

"Ah!~ A-Alastor! I-im gonna...fuck!" Alastor leaned into Angel for kiss and he gladly took the heated kiss. Angel pulled away from the kiss moaning once again even louder. Alastor slowed down and looked at Angel. "Something wrong Spider?" Alastors voice was run down and weak. "N-no" Alastor looked at Angel in worrie as he heard him answer his question. He shrugged it off and quickly picked up his pace once again. Alastor new he finally had found it as he heard Angel whimper with a thrust...his sweet spot. "Does the littel slut like that?~" Alastor pulled up Angel's head to meet his and licked Angel's lips. "Mph~" Alastor chuckled as he new that Angel would soon cum. He abused Angel's sweet spot till he finally pleaded for him to stop at he was finally to his limit. Angel could hold on a lot longer then this but Alastor seemed to be the one to push his limits. Till Angel finally yelped "Al! P-please I'm gonna c-cum!" Alastor chuckled and looked at Angel who had his tongue out saliva dripping down his chin to his chest.

Finally Angel felt the knot in his stomach release as he came. He moaned loudly enough to make him finely speak clearly. "FUCK DADDY!" The words Angel spoke where just enough to get Alastor off. Angel's hole filled some of Alastors cum even made it's way out of Angel making it fall on the floor. Thay stayed in there poshion till Alastor had enough strength to pull out leaving his liqued fall to the floor from Angel. Angel was shaking ready to collapse but to his luck Alastor was holding him up. He would have collapsed if it weren't for Alastor. Angel turned around now standing on his feet and looked deep into the radio demons eyes.

Angel pulled Alastor in to a deep kiss. Alastor bit Angel's lower lip for entrance witch Angel gladly gave. Alastors tongue danced in Angels mouth swirling in his mouth up and down side to side. Angel finally broke the kiss and smiled wildly at Alastor. His top hands creased Alastors cheek slowly making there way to Alastors ears. As Angel was about to stroke the other demons ears he was cut off by Alastors hands reaching Angel's. "No no no my dear not today will you be stroking these ears." Alastor pinned Angel's top set of arms above his head on the wall. Angel was about to move his other set of arms up till they to where caught by a unknown entity comeing from the floor. "Oh Alastor so you have your self some heniai tenticals?~" Angel popped out his 3rd set of arms as soon at ther where out the entity grabbed Angel's last set of arms. "So you do have the kinks Al?~" Alastor pushed Angel's arms tighter to the wall followed by the entity doing the same. Angel moaned as he felt himself horny all over again.

Alastor let go of Angel's arm's and snapped his fingers. As soon at he snapped his fingers the tenticals where gone and Alastor was completely dressed and looked as if nothing had happened. Angel cleared his throat and blushed looking away from Alastor. "Umm I-I sould go get dressed." Angel walked away and turned on the light to his light pink and wight bathroom blushing like the fool he was. As Angel finished getting dressed and fix up his hair he opened his bathroom door and to his suitcase Alastor was sitting on Angel's bed looking around Angel's room.

"Well well well look who's still hear?~" Angel swayed his hips as he walked over to Alastor pulling his head to meet his."What ya wanna round 2 but ya the bottem?~" Angel pulled Alastor closer to his face almost touching eathothers noses.(I know ok it's weird.)  "Oh oh you only wish Angel!" Angel stood up straight and blinked blushing slightly. 'Wait is he...no no no he cant be but he couldn't would'nt...be into this?!' Angle thought but was caught off guard by Alastors soft hands patting his head. Angle shook his head straightening him self out and walked to the door of his room.

"Well~ I have to clean us this mess we've made.So shoo." Angel pointed to the place they had *cough cough* had a fun time.  Alastor laughed and sighed after turning to Angel "dear you only want out so you can pleasure yourself!" Angel snickered but quickly composed himself. After a few seconds Angel rolled his eyes playfully as he lightly pushed Alastor out his room so he could clean up the mess. After about a minute of Angel and Alastor arguing playfully Angel stped dead in his tracks at a thought entered his mind. "Now Al~" Alastor was about to push Angel to a wall(suductivly don't worry I'm not that cruel to ruin the ship...yet) befor wickedly smiling. "You wouldn't want the others to find out we did this now would we?~"This made Alastor stop once again till we spoke."oh al right!...but on one condition~" Angel sighted and crossed his top arms just below his chest his other arms crossed on his so called torso."fine what do you want?" Alastors smiled widened making it seem unholy and disturbing. "If...we do that again~"

(Hey I'm so so sorry for this short chapter I just had some stuff I had to deal with and all like getting my grade up in math and some other things I donr really want to get into. But! After chapter 7 I WILL BE TAKING REQUEST! sorry sorry I'm just so happy that my story is actually getting attention. Also I'm sorry if eny thing is spelt wrong I have dyslexia and well if you dont know what that is...just look it up. This chapter wa not looked threw for errors because its 2am almost 3 on a school nigh and I have a life...not really buuuut that's not important. If you are also confused why I keep saying sorry it's for alot of resent 1 being that I'm Canada 'eh' sorry sorry. I will try to update on Tuesdays and or Fridays we will see how life looks. Ok I'll stop talking...word count 1284

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