"Till next time"

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Quick announcement! This is the final chapter. I really need you guys to let me know if I should make a sequel to this book or a completely different book so leave ship suggestions or just book ideas in the comments. (Hazbin hotel because it's all I can write without it being cringey) Thank you so much for all your support and love and enjoy some NSFW!


"It was a lovely time you all but I do believe... *ngh* we will be going now." Alastor said as Angel started to play with his ears. "Alright you to have a good 2 weeks!" Charlie yelled seeing the demons out. Alastor put Angel in the passenger seat and got on the driver side befor one last wave to the rest of the staff and driving off to there honeymoon.


"So Al where are we going exactly?" Angel said looking out his side of the window with a hand resting on his cheek. "You will see my love it's not to far away." Alastor replied putting a hand on Angel's lower thigh making him smile looking down at Alastor's hand and going back to looking outside. An hour later they pulled up to a fairly large Cabin that was surrounded by forest and not a single demon to be seen for miles. "Wow Al what is this place?" Angel said getting out of the car. "My where are my manners!? This my dear is my home I'm quite surprised I never brought you hear...than again I don't bring just any demon hear." Alastor said taking Angel's hand and walking him to the cabin. "Hay wait what about are stuff?" Angel replied looking over his shoulder to the despairing car. "Now now didn't you say you wanted me tonigh?~" Alastor said seductively picking Angel up in his arm's and walking into the large cabin without touching the handle. "You must not take back the thing's you say love." Alastor than walked into another room that was just down the hall and pinned Angel down on the bed immediately kissing Angel.

(Yay NSFW/🍋)

Angel moaned into Alastor's mouth allowing him to enter his tongue into Angel's mouth. Alastor pulled away getting off the bed and standing at the end of it slowly unbuttoning his tux and pants. Angel watched wanting so desperately for Alastor to fuck him so hard he won't be able to stand for a good week. "I'm terribly sorry we haven't done this in such a long time my love...but I wanted to wait so i could pound you as hard as the first time we met~" Alastor smirked at Angel who watched Alastor slowly take his pants off followed by his boxers. Angel bit his lip as Alastor's member started to stiffen. "Al~..." Angel blushed at the sight before him his own member hardening as well as Alastor crawled onto the bed and in front of Angel's face. "Mph~" Angel moaned as Alastor's dick rubbed against his thigh. "Let's take this off shall we~" Alastor started to take Angel's dress off and he allowed. Alastor threw the dress off revealing Angel in only his boxers who was shyly blushing a vary deep red. Alastor looked down to see Angel's dick fully erected and pointing out of his boxers. "My my just as needy and horny as the first time huh my love?" Alastor purred into Angel's ear as he leaned into him his hands on Angel's boxers threatening to pull them down not that Angel would mind. "Al~ please I want you~" Angel moaned rubbing his legs together in order to get any sort of friction or pleasure. "Beg for it~" Alastor said lifting himself up and aggressively grabbing his own cock showing Angel. "I-..." he stopped befor looking down and smiling. "Oh please daddy I want you...I need you in me~" Angel moaned the last part as he crawled over to Alastor who chuckled and pulled Angel over to him but not to aggressively. "Oh my sweet Angel dear is this what you want?" Alastor purred pulled on his dick and rubbing it on Angel's clothed one. "Mph!~ Alastor please fuck me!~" Angel yelled pulling his boxers off of his cock and grabbing onto it with his top arms his bottem arms spred apart his ass cheeks revealing his hole. "Alright than. Don't expect me to go easy on you." Alastor chuckled putting Angel over his cock and slamming him all the way down making Angel scream. "FUCK ME!" Angel screamed clawing Alastor's back as he threw his head back his eyes rolling back as well. "Mh? Don't mind if I do~" Alastor purred pulling Angel up and back down almost just as hard as the first time. "Mph!!!~ FUCK ME DADDY!" Alastor chuckled holding Angel down on his lap biting and kissing him all over. "That's it take it all in~" Alastor replied befor biting down on Angel's shoulder making him scream again but this time from pain. "A-Alastor~ mph...harder~" Angel moaned and Alastor did so biting his teeth deeper into Angel shoulder making him scream and moan. "Alastor please fuck me!~" Angel yelled his legs shaking as blood rushed down his shoulder from Alastor. "I would love to my dearest but I have a simple question for you first~" Alastor said licking Angel's neck and looking up at him. "W-whats that?" Angel replied with a shaky tone. "What is my name?~" He asked clawing into Angel's side's. "Mh~ Daddy~" Angel moaned from the sudden pain in his side's. "Vary good. I guess I'll pound you now~" Alastor chuckled sucking up the last bit of blood that was running down Angel's shoulder looking up and gazing into Angel's eyes as he did so. Alastor than picked him up and set him down on a dresser that was on the other side of the room. Alastor adjusted Angel so that his member was over his hole. He looked down seeing as Alastor threatened to enter his face blushing even more. Alastor shoved himself inside of Angel causing him to scream and moan. "Ngh~ fuck me daddy." Angel moaned his bottom arms clawing Alastor's back his top one's holding on to Alastor's ears. Alastor began to thrust into Angel at a fast and steady pace making him roll his eyes back as he was pounding hard into his lover. "Ah~ holy fuck! Oh sweet Lucifer fuck me hardder!~" Angel leaned forward resting his head on Alastor's shoulder causing Alastor to hit his good spot. Angel started to pant tears in his eyes and drool falling from his tongue and his body was shaking and giving up from how hard Alastor was doing him. His hair was messy and everywhere with mascara smeared across his eyes as he began to cry from the pleasure. "I can mph~ tell you are e-enjoing yourself your much titer than befor." Alastor whispered into Angel's ear making him moan. The dresser was shaking from every thrust Alastor did making it bang on the wall the two demons where quite thankful they where in Alastor's house because no one was in the house. The two where moaning messes the lewd noises comeing from them. If Angel was being honest Alastor moaning was a big turn on for him just the sounds he makes his evry movement seemed to push him closer and closer to release. "I can tell your close mon Cher." Angel shivered as Alastor spoke making him even more horny and moan. "Ah~ fuck~" Angel whispered under his breath making Alastor growl and pick up his pace pounding Angel's good spot again. "God dam it that's it~" Angel cried trying to relax his body. "fuck..Angel..what's my name!?" Alastor yelled pulling on Angel's hair making his yelp and moan. "DADDY! AH~~" Angel replied as he came the white liquid all over him and Alastor. Alastor didn't stop he continued to fuck Angel as hard as he could till he started to slow down as he was close to release as well. "Al please~" Angel moaned yanking on Alastor's tail and ears. "Fuck!~" Alastor moaned releasing into Angel. "Ah!~" Angel's hole was more than full now the liquid dripping out of him with Alastor still in him. He loved the feeling of being filled and especially when it was from Alastor. "Ah~ fuck daddy~" Angel moaned relaxing his body. "Now now dont get me all worked up again." Alastor said running his hand through Angel's hair. "Aww please~ you where amazing." Angel smirked biting his lip and moving side to side to get Alastor worked up again. "Dam it Angel. Fine." Alastor replied gritting his teeth as he started to thrust into Angel again. "Mph~ fuck yes." Angel moaned yanking on Alastor's tail making him almost come again.

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