"Sweet and sour wedding"

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"Now my not be a good time but do you know the date?" Charlie asked Alastor setting a plate of food in front of them both. "We where thinking in about 5 months?" Angel said looking at Alastor and Charlie. "That's great I'll get Vaggie to help me plan!" Charlie said skipping off to her office.

Five months later

No one's P.O.V

"Oh god Chrrie I don't think I can do this!" Angel yelled pacing back and forth griping onto the bouquet of flowers in one of his hands. "Ah come on Angel it can't be that bad just walk out there and-" "ANGIE!!!" Squealed Molly who ran up hugging her brother. "Oh.My.God! I can't believe that you're getting married today. imma have a brother inlaw!!" She squealed again shaking her brother. "Yo Molly calm down I just did his fuckin hair!" Charrie yelled in a playful tone fixing his hair. Charlie poked her head through the door and walked in. "Angel? Its time." She said setting down a clip board on the vanity in the dressing room. "Hey Angel you get your garder on you know Al gonna have a hella fun time taking that off!?" Charrie said elbowing Angel and holding up the garder (A grader is the thing that goes around the bride's leg and the groom takes off with his teeth after the ceremony.) "Dam you Charrie." Angel mumbled snatching it and quickly slipping it on. "Ok I'm ready..." He said straightening out his dress inhaling and exhaling hugging the three girls and than standing at the exit that had rows of leaves dangling down acting as a door. "We'll see you up there!" Charlie said in a very happy tone leading Charrie and Molly out the back door to where evryone else was. Angel and Alastor had agreed they did not want a big weeding so they had no bridesmaids or groomsmen and only invited close one's. "Ok Angel ya got this its want ya have fantasized for years. Marrying the man of your dream's." Angel said quietly to him self befor soft wedding music started to play. "Guess that's my cue." He said his breathing getting faster and walking through the draped leaves. He looked around evryone was standing and looking at him he started to smile looking at Alastor who was standing there a bigger smile on his face than usual if it wher ever possible for him to. Standing next to Alastor was Charlie holding a book she had a soft smile. Angel started to tear up as he made it to the alter. Alastor stood tall trying to hold back tears in front of everyone. "Ya can cry Al its fine~" Angel whispered to Alastor who just shook his head and gave a loveing smile at his soon to be husband.

"You my kiss the..." Charlie stopped looking at Angel who smiled puffing up his fluff and nodded. "You may kiss the bride!" Charlie yelled questioning a bit. "Dam it come hear!" Angel said pulling Alastor close and cupping his face kissing him passionately slowly turning into a make out before Alastor came back to reality looking over at the audience and pulling away clearing his throat.  "Ya know exactly what we are doing after all this." Angel said linking arm's with his new husband and giving him a seductive smirk as they started to walk down to the after party that was in a big side building from the hotel. "Oh I suppose if it will make you happy and stop pestering me about it." Alastor said looking down at Angel. "Oh come on Al 6 months of no dick is like a decade with no dick to me." He joked lightly grabbing Alastor's tail that was out when no one was looking making Alastor's eyes shoot wide open. "Now now don't test me." He growled walking into the building and sitting down at table that was in the center of the room."Hear ya two go!" Charlie said setting down two plates of food in front of them who started to eat imminently. When they where done Angel started talking to Molly and Charrie befor Alastor slipped under the table and under Angel's dress to his garder. This startled Angel making the two girls look at him in confusion. Alastor placed his hands firmly on Angel's thighs stroking them and got the the garder slowly pulling it down off of Angel's leg. "Al~" Angel said looking down to see Alastor pop his head back up and sit back down as if nothing happened. "Told ya he'd like that~" Charrie said looking over to Alastor who just smiled looking around the room. "Hey you two it's time for your first dance!" Charlie yelled pulling them out of there chairs and pushing them to the dance floor. "Umm Al i think this is a good time to tell ya i can't dance." Angel whispered as Alastor took one of Angel's hands his other giving onto his side. "Its quite alright dear just follow my lead." He said taking Angel's other top hand placing it on his shoulder. Angel looked away blushing as soft music started to play.

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