4th July special

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A/N-Hello and happy 4th July enjoy this cute special

No one's P.O.V

Angel never did like big loud noises like thunder or even fireworks for that matter so 4th July was his least favorite holiday of the year. What made it worse is that no one but his sister and Charrie knew about his littel fear. Despite hell being hell some still did celebrate the holiday by setting off fireworks. "Angel where are you evryone is getting ready to wach the fireworks!?" Charlie yelled walking down the hall that Angel's room was on before stepping in front of his room and knocking. "Angel?" She said again before walking in to his room seeing him curled up in a ball cuddling Fat nuggets on his bed. "Angel are you alright?" Charlie said walking over to him sitting down on the end of his bed. "Y-yeah just really tired is all no need to w-worry bout' me" he replied pulling the throw blanket that was next to him over himself. "Already then but if you want we'll all be outside waching the fireworks." Charlie said getting up and walking out the room closing the door before bumping into Alastor. "Oh hey Al Angel said he's tired and didn't want to wach the fireworks with us." She said walking down the hall and down the stairs to meet with the other's. Alastor watched her skip down the short hall way befor lightly knocking on Angel's door and walking in. "Angel are you alright love?" He said walking over to Angel sitting next to him and putting a hand to his head. "Yeah Al I'm fine just really ti-" Angel was cut off by a loud bang of a firework as he through himself into Alastor's arm's whimpering as two more took to the sky and banging. "Angel?" Alastor replied looking down at the spider demon in his arm's. (1)"mon amour are you afraid of the fireworks?" He said laying down with Angel in his arm's. (2)"mi dispiace, mi comporto da stupido. (3)non mi piacciono e basta." Angel whimpered out in Italian as he cuddled closer to Alastor glancing out his window to see more fireworks. His eyes lit up as he saw them pop in the air an array of colors filling the sky. (4)"lì bellissimo." Angel said sitting up and looking out the window still flinching at the sudden sounds of them shooting into the sky. "I never did realize how beautiful they are." Angel said getting up and walking to his window and putting a hand on the glass. More and more shot into the sky making Angel fall back into Alastor's arm's. "Careful now love." He said chuckling as Angel stared into the sky that was filled with colors and smoke from the fireworks. "Don't tell anyone about my littel fear got it?" Angel said looking up to Alastor and walking to his bed sitting on it and pulling out his phone to see a couple of text messages from his sister and Charrie. He replied to them and layed down wrapping himself in his blankets still looking outside befor Alastor cuddled up next to him.

Notes- I got the translations off Google so they my not be accurate sorry.

1- mon amour- my love

2- mi dispiace, mi comporto da stupido- I'm sorry I'm acting so stupid

3- non mi piacciono e basta- I just dont like them

4- lì bellissimo- there beautiful

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