"Prove your loyalty"

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Alastor winked at Val and stepped the slightest bit closer to them making Val put more pressure on the trigger. "Dont take another step or its night night for dear old Angel." Alastor backed down his smile dropping the slightest and fear filled the room from all of them. "Good boy. Vox." Val smiled and gestured to Alastor. "VOX!"

No one's P.O.V

Vox got up off the couch and walked over to Alastor him also smiling. He raised his hand once again and electric cords wrapped around Alastor. "Now look who's not so tough." Vox chuckled to himself and walked over to Val whispering something in his ear that made him grin. Alastor struggled to free himself from Vox's grip. Vox undid Angel's cords but was now being held onto by Val. His arms wrapped from behind him touching his inner thighs up his torso grabbing onto his boob fluff and his ass. "So tell me Angel cakes. Do you really have loyalty to me?" Val said befor squeezing Angel's ass. "I asked you a question! Are you loyal to me!?" Val took one of his other hands to Angel's sides and pieced them with his claws making him yelp. "Val please." He said trembling tears still running down his face. "Come now Angel~ prove daddy your loyalty." He then handed Angel his gun and made him raise his arm up to be lined up Alastor. He gave a gasp as the gun in his hand that was pointed to Alastor. "No Val. I can't." Angel wipped away his tears with one of his hands and the one that held the gun dropped. "My I need to remind you of this?" Out of thin air appeared a scroll that read.

"I Anthony hereby agree to sell my one and only mortal soul to you Valentino. By signing this contract I agree to be put to use as a slut and pet for your personal enjoyment. I will take the name of Angel dust and work for you till my last breath. I will work for you so long you give me shelter and fame."

At the bottom of the scroll was Angel's and Valentino's signature along with a few other small words. Angel's eyes widened as he saw the scroll in Valentino's hand. "No I haven't forgotten." Angel looked away from Val and to the ground that was filled with blood. "So? Do what I have told you, prove. Your. LOYALTY!" Val pulled up Angel's head by his hair making him yelp from the sudden pain. "So help me Angel dont make me do what I did to Prim to you!" Val shoved Angel to a nearby wall as he struggled to breathe and break himself free form his boss's grasp. "What! What did you do to Prim!?" He yelled tears rolling down his eyes as Val repeatedly hit or slapped him. "To start she never knew her place, she never did what was asked of her, and she left the studio. She did it all to herself so I ended her life. Angel stopped struggling when Val finished. "So...you killed her because she never listened to you?" Val chuckled and pat Angel's head. "That's a smart boy. Now if you now what's best for you I'd shot that little basterd." He pointed to Alastor who was till smiling but it was low and less visible. Angel took in a deep sigh. "Fine. I'll do it." Valentino chuckled letting go of Angel who coughed and gasped for breath. He picked up the gun he was originally holding and walking over in front of Alastor. 'I'm sorry. I love you.' He mouthed befor aiming the gun to right below his heart to purposly miss. He knew that Alastor would survive if he shot him there. Angel dropped to the floor crying in his hands as he looked up to Alastor being dragged out by Vox. Val just laughed and lifted Angel up wiping his tears away. "You are such a good boy. Now who is my littel slut?" Angel sighed and straightened himself up still slightly crying. "I am daddy~" he said pulling himself to Val who just chuckled. "Your dam right you are. Come now it's time for your little punishment~" Val picked Angel up bridle style and walked him down the small narrow hallway befor kicking the door to there room down and pinning Angel to the bed. His arms above his head his hips moving up and down on the bed for any form of friction. "Now now who's all needy for there punishment?" Val crawled up ontop of Angel forcing his hips down with his other set of arms. "This is going to be more than just sex my dear. This is going to be a real punishment."

(To be continued)

(Sorry for another short chapter but I just didn't know what else to add in this one without making the other chapter. Anyways the next chapter will have something we haven't had in quite awhile...Some lovely NSFW. So stay tune for that I'll see ya later.)

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