"Seal the deal"

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A/N-Yes Hello I'm back and ready to start writing again. This chapter is really long and has around 5000 words to make up for not posting all month. I'm sorry I didn't really post at all this month but I really needed a break for myself I hope you understand and enjoy this nice long chapter😊


"God dam it Al. I'm all yours~~" He said laying down in the bath as Alastor started to free himself from his clothes and joineing Angel. "Keep it down for real this time~" he chuckled befor dancing his fingers up Angel's thigh making him squirm and moan a bit.

No one's P.O.V

(Time skip 2 weeks)

Alastor was sitting down in the lobby he wasn't doing anything just thinking that was till Niffty ran into the lobby with Charlie chasing after her and yelling things to her. Alastor looked up and looked at Nifty who was bouncing up and down. "Alastor oh my goodness I cant believe it! Your really going to do it!? When!?" Charlie ran next to her covering her mouth as she still talked her words muffled. Charlie chuckled and gave Alastor a nervous smile. "What on earth are you talking about Niffty dear?" He questioned looking at Charlie who let Nifty speak. "The proposal of course!" Alastor went wide eyed as Nifty continued to bounce. "I'm so sorry Alastor I was just talking to myself about what you had told me a-and Nifty heard me." Charlie sighed hunching her back. "Its quite alright dearie so long as the two of you don't tell anyone we are fine. You should consider yourselves lucky that no one but the 3 of us are hear." Alastor got up and patted Nifty and Charlie's heads befor walking to the hotel doors. "I have to go pick up Angel from his sister's house I should be back soon." He said putting his coat on and opening the door. "Not a word about the proposal." He said sternly and closing the door. He got into his car and started his way to Molly's house. About 5 minutes later he made it and got out and started walking to the door. Alastor knocked on the door that was answered   by a drunken Charrie bomb. "Oooooh hey your Angel's boy friend right? Come on in he should be in the living room with Molly." Alastor sighed and nodded walking past Charrie and into the open room that had bottle's of all types of alcohol. He looked around and found Angel laying on the couch holding a bottle of whiskey and a cigarette looking at his phone. "Oh oh Moll's what about this one!?" He said holding his phone up to his sister who was sitting on the couch with Angel's legs her lap. "Oh my god yes he would love that one!" Angel and Molly laughed till Angel showed his sister another picture. "Aww look at him. I frogot I had this picture. Oh sweet Lucifer I can't resist him when he sleeps." Angel stared at the picture on his phone his eyes filled with love. "Yeah you two really are the perfect couple." Molly said befor looking over in Alastor's direction. "Oh shit speaking of witch." She said getting up and pulling Angel off the couch. "The hell Moll's!?" He yelling getting up and dusting himself off looking over at Alastor. "Oh...hey Al? Your hear early." Angel chuckled. "No in fact I am late its already 9:30." Alastor said walking over to Angel and wrapping a arm around his shoulders kissing his cheek. "I suppose we should get going. What do you say Angel?" Alastor whispered the last part into Angel's ear making him flinch. "Yeah. Thank's for haveing me over Moll's." He ran up to Molly and hugged her. "Its a simple question Angel so just ask him." Angel chuckled and patted his sister's back befor running back over to Alastor linking arms with him. When they got into the car Alastor looked at Angel his eyes following evry curve of his body and evry movement. "Ok. What do you want?" Angel said leaning over to Alastor puffing out his boob fluff. Alastor looked down at Angel's fluff blushing and immediately starting the car and driving. "I haven't the slightest clue on what you mean my love." Alastor said glancing back at Angel as he pulled out of the driveway. Angel sighed and rolled his eyes playfully befor leaning his head on the car window. Soon they made it back to the hotel and Angel got his stuff befor getting out the car. "Angel!" Alastor yelled running over to Angel. "I wanted to talk to you if that was ok." He said putting a hand on Angel's shoulder. "Shur." He replied befor Alastor took his hand and started to walk to the hotel's garden. "What did you want to talk about?" Angel said grazing the flower's on the path they where next to. "You haven't been yourself lately is evrything ok?" Alastor questioned Angel lightly squeezing his hand. "Its just that around this time of the year is when my mom died." he replied sighing and wiping away a tear with his other hand. "I'm sorry to hear that. How did she die? If your ok answering that." Alastor looked over to Angel and just smiled. "She uhhh...died from a heart attack. I was just sitting in the living room till I heard her collapse. It was only me and Molly home and we didn't know what to do....Befor we knew it she was gone." Alastor's smile dropped a bit befor stoping the walk and hugging Angel close. "Its ok my dear." He said stroking Angel's hair as he started to tear up. "I'm sorry I cry so much." Angel sniffled forcing his tears to stop. "There is no need to dear?" Angel just whimpered his tears comeing back to haunt him. "I'm sorry it's just that I was taught to not cry so much especially in the presence of others that including if I was hurt." Alastor just chuckled and patted Angel's back. "Cry when you feel its right. Come along now my dear." He said holding Angel's hand and running up to the cliff that over looked the ocean. "Do you remember this place?" Alastor questioned befor sitting down his legs dangling off the cliff and patting the pach of grass next to him for Angel. "I do actually. This is where you asked me to be your and I quote. "One and only lover" so I mean it is kinda a special place." He giggled sitting next to Alastor and putting his head on his shoulder. The sky was a dark crimson the star's shining as the two demons sat in silence till they heard yelling coming from the hotel. Alastor's ears twitched and pointed to the hotel befor he jolted up pulling Angel up with him and running to the hotel.

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