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"Well hello there! So nice of you to join us." A demon yelled emerging from the darkness on the other side of the room. "Long time to see Alastor." The demon said making his way to where Angel was. Alastor followed of where the demons hands where going as they made their way to Angels head. "Well you see I have your little friend
hear. But there is a catch." The demon pulled off the blanket that was over Angel and smiled wildly at Alastor. "THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM VOX!"

No one's P.O.V

Alastor's eyes followed all over Angel's body seeing meny cases of violence towards him. "I simply just made him a better slave that's all." Vox said shrugging his shoulders at the radio demon. "A slave for what!?" Alastor yelled balling his hands into fist. Vox lifed a finger and swayed it back and forth as he made a sound with his tongue. "Tisk tisk tisk. You show any signs of aggression toured me or Valentino..." He pulled a knife out from his pocket and held it next to Angel's throat. "You're little Boyfriend goes bye bye." He pulled the knife away from Angel as Alastor looked down and stoped his fist. "A slave for what?" Alastor said pulling his attention to Vox who was walking over to him. "Well a better sex slave of course! But don't go looking at me it was all big V's idea I just made him that way." Vox pointed to Angel who seemed to be twitching and his fur different tone sort of like a light gray. "When do I get him back?" Alastor said looking over to Angel in a worried expression. Vox laughed at Alastor's play of words. "Oh dear Lucifer do you hear this big V?!" Vox managed to say in between laughter. "Oh I quiet do Vox." Val said emerging from the darkness that Vox once was in. "I'd say 1 week 5 weeks a year...forever" Valentino said smiling at Alastor as he spoke. "FORE-*amem* Forever?" Alastor quickly composed his temper till rustling could be heard from Angel's direction. Vox chuckled and looked at Alastor. "Would you like to say hello to your new boyfriend?" He said leaning over Angel as he slowly woke. When he did his eyes shot open and instead of the normal pink and black ones they where a dark red with white pupils. "Shall we test it out?" Val said walking over to Vox in wich he pushed a button making Angel twich and grown in pain. "What are you doing!?" Alastor yelled trying to stop himself from running over to Vox and Valinteno and ripping them apart. "Ah! Stay where you are." Val said snapping his fingers as Vox walked over to Angel and shoving a knife to his throat as blood dripped from his neck. "Ah~" Angel's eyes rolled back as Vox licked the blood from Angel's chest that made him moan making Alastor cringe. Once again Val snapped his fingers and pointed to Alastor just then multiple other demons  emerged from the darkness walking over to Alastor. "Please dont make this any harder than it has to be Alastor. I just simply wanted my pet back thats all." Val smiled at Alastor who started to panic his smile twitching wanted to drop as the other demons pushed him out of the room. "Bye now!" Val yelled walking over to Angel who was now standing next to Vox and grabbing his fluff making him moan. Littel did Alastor know that was last thing he would see of Angel for a long time.

(Yes I am making you all suffer by  purposly making this a really short chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter ;)                                                     To be continued

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