"Cant get away"

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A/N- I'm so sorry this took so long to come out but for some reason my hole Wattpad glitched out and deleted the hole chaper when it was almost finished. I hope you understand and thank you.


Alastor said gesturing to Angel who slowly stood up befor they where interrupted with an unfamiliar and angry voice.


No one's P.O.V

Evryone turned to where the angry voice came from and standing in the door way where two spider demons. Angel went wide-eyed as he noticed the two demons befor him. "I thought ya still lived with Val Anthony?" The shorter demon said walking over to him grabbing his wrist. "There is something called leaving!" Angel snapped pulling away from the demon. "Anthony I'd like to talk to you." The other demon said looking around the lobby. "Alone if it where possible." He said again in a some what angry voice. Angel looked over to see Alastor with a hand on his shoulder Death glaring the other two demons. "Y-yeah follow me." Angel replied giving a sweet smile to Alastor and leading the the other demon away to the staff kitchen leaving the shorter demon with the other's. "Dad why are ya hear?" Angel said in a shakey tone. Herion chuckled and turned to Angel pinning him to a wall in the hallway. "Because you need to come back home." He replied slapping Angel across his face and walking down the rest of the hall to the kitchen Angel not far behind rubbing his cheek and holding back his tears. When the two got to the kitchen Herion stood in the middle looking around as Angel leaned against the counters. "Do ya want anything to drink?" Angel said walking over and grabbing two glass cups. Before he knew it his father grabbed his bow tie pulling him down to his eye level making Angel drop the glass cups causing a loud crash in the kitchen. "Ya really think I wanted YOU home NO. I just happened to run into you're pimp ass boss and he said he'd pay me some dam good money if I could get ya back to you're discussing job!" Herion yelled as he started to pin Angel to the wall now holding him by his neck. "Ya really stupid right now dad I'll te-tell ya that much." Angel chuckled smirking at his dad as he titend his grip around Angel's neck. "Don't ya dare call me stupid you fuckin' whore!" Herion yelled grabbing sharp pieces of glass and jamming them into Angel anywher like his sides his legs or his hand that was wrapped around Heron's arm. "FUCK!" Angel yelled pulling the glass shard out of his hand as soon as his dad let go of him. He fell to the floor holding his bleeding hand hot tears streaming down his face as his father looked at him in disgust. Herion pulled Angel up by his hair as he continued to slap punch and kick him. "Put.Him.Down." Said a very angry and static voice from behind Herion as large black tenticals grabbed his ankles pulling him to floor. Angel fell when his father was dragged but was caught by two tenticals right befor he hit the ground. "I suggest you leave forever or I will personally turn you're body inside out and trust me I will make shur it is as slow and painful as I can make it." Alastor said the hole room filled with static his eyes large radio dials. Heroin looked up to see Arackniss held up as well by the black tenticals who was still struggling to set himself free. "Fuckin' bich ass over powering little shit of an over lord." Herion mumbled making Alastor wrap more tenticals around him. "Leave.Now." Alastor said again dropping the two demons from the air. As soon as they hit the ground they got up and ran out the hotel doors with one last look at Angel by his father.

When the two had finally slammed the hotel doors closed Alastor closed the kitchen doors and ran to Angel who was covered in blood and still bleeding but on the verge of passing out. "Angel! Angel are you alright please don't pass  out stay with me." Alastor yelled as he picked up his lover and rushing to the hotel's nurse's office. "Hold on Angel!" He yelled rushing through the other's who where about to see what all the yelling was about. "Alastor what happened!?" Charlie yelled running next to Al as he kicked open the door the office putting Angel down. "Not now Charlie please." Alastor replied his voice very static filled with anger and sadness as it glitched. Charlie looked at Angel her eyes watering as she ran out the office and Alastor locking the door behind her. Alastor's ears dropped as his smile was fading. He began to slowly and carefully take Angel's glove off that was filled with blood from his hand. Angel stopped him by putting a hand on Alastor's makig him stop. "Al I'm fine alright?" Angel said sitting up holding his side's that also got glass slammed into them. Alastor ignored Angel's comment and took his glove fully off he stared at it with a blank expression Angel who looked saddened. "I thought you stopped." Alastor replied putting a hand on Angel's arm making him wince at the pain. "A-Al please I'm sorry I jus-" "You broke a promise Angel." Alastor said in a stern voice looking at Angel who's eyes where fluttering close from blood loss. "I'll deal with that later." Alastor replied grabbing bandages and wrap up Angel's hand. Angel's body was swaying back and forth his eye sight was foggy and the room begun to spin. "Angel?!" Alastor yelled holding Angel close as he passed out.

Angel woke in Alastor's room it was cold but yet he felt warmth around him. He looked behind him to see Alastor fast asleep cuddling next to him a leg over Angel's body. His head was pounding and his body ached. "What the fuck happened?" Angel said rubbing his head and holding a pillow close to him. Alastor growled as he moved his leg off Angel's body snuggling closer to him and playing with Angel's fluff smiling. "Al?" Angel mumbled touching Alastor's hand that was on his fluff. Alastor shot up turning over to Angel. "Angel! Your awake!?" Alastor yelled with joy pulling Angel up into a hug. "I was just down the hall and heard Angel was awake!?" Charlie yelled kicking open the door. Angel pulled the sheet's up covering his top half as he blushed looking away from Charlie and Alastor. "Oh goodness I'm so sorry! I'll come back." Charlie yelled covering her eyes and walking backwards closing the door. Angel and Alastor looked at each other and started laughing. "Ya know~ we really haven't done it in a long time." Angel said looking up to Alastor as he ran his hands up his bare chest. "Angel dear you just got a bunch of glass shoved into your sides a couple of hours ago I do not think that...sex is the thing to do. Also we should stop doing it in the hotel honestly. Someone could catch us." Alastor chuckled looking down at Angel's injuries his smile fading. "Its alright I can take it~." Angel said wrapping his top arms around Alastor's neck. "Not today my love." Alastor replied getting up and slipping on a shirt and Jacket. Angel rolled his eyes playfully as he carefully got up. And putting on an outfit that he left in Alastor's room. "Come along now my love the other's would be happy to see you up and walking again." Alastor said gesturing to the open door. "Hey Angel you dont look to bad after what happened." Charlie said walking over to him and helping him sit at the breakfast table. "Now my not be a good time but do you know the date?" Charlie asked Alastor setting a plate of food in front of them both. "We where thinking in about 5 months?" Angel said looking at Alastor and Charlie. "That's great I'll get Vaggie to help me plan!" Charlie said skipping off to her office.

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