"The Kinks"

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Littel bit of NSFW!!!

No ones P.O.V

It was about a good week or 2 since Angel and Alastors little meet up. Nothing to big was happening just a few flirts from Angel but that was normal. Another thing happened just a bit after Angel and Alastors session 2 new demons entered the hotel; Husk a cat like demon that loves to drink and play poker(I think that's what it's called... never mind that) and Niffty a one eyed demon with alot of energy and a neat freke.

As the sun rose it lit up the dimly lit witch made the hotel a bright crimson red. Angel stood at the top of the stairs with his bottem arms on his hips one of his top arms messing with his chest fluff his other hand was holding a book called "Imperfections make you Perfect" obviously it was a romance a gay romance to put it at that. Of course it was romance it was Angel for crying out loud. Angel's eyes followed the words on the page till he let out a sigh and walked down the stairs still reading his book. The smell of pancakes wafted through the air as Angel got closer and closer to the bottem of the stairs. Angel closed his book and ran down the rest of the stairs stopping at the sight of a tall red demon standing in front of a stove swaying back and forth humming to a song that was on the radio. It was a song that Angel knew fairly well. He smiled and shook his head back and forth lightly befor speaking. "Sooo Al ya cook?~" Angel said seductively as
he swayed his hips lightly walking over to the demon on the other side of the room."Well yes its ummm something I just do in my free time." Angel stopped in front of Alastor fixing up his suit and bow tie before booping him on the nose. "Well that's good enough for me." Alastor grabbed Angel's top pair of arms lightly and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Dear what is that supposed to mean?" Angel snickered and rolled his eyes playfully befor looking over to see Husk walking down the stairs. Angel let out another sigh but a sigh of anger. Angel walked out of the kitchen and sat down at a table and put his feet up on the table.

Husk walked down the stairs rubbing his head with one of his hands befor stopping in the kitchen where Alastor was."Hey do we have eny hang over pills? This headache is killing me." Alastor stopped cooking his pancakes and turned to Husk who looked like he was ready to collapse at eny moment. "Ah yes they're in the cabinet above you!" Alastor said pointing to the black cabinet above Husk. Husk looked up before opening the cabinet up and shaking a bottle. "Dam it!" Husk yelled throwing the empty bottle behind him hitting Alastor on the back of his head. Alastor dropped one of his pancakes on the kitchen floor witch made Alastor turn his head  like an owl.(but he's a deer demon dont let that saying confusion ya) "HUSK!" Alastor  yelled from the corner of the kitchen. His horns grew a devilish tone eyes turned to radio dials and his voice a static sound. It looked as if he was ready to commit a straight up murder. Husk paid no mind as he just walked to the couch Alastor not far behind. Angel looked over to the sound of Alastors static voice. Once he noticed Alastor looked devilishly more then normal and the black goo dripping from his mouth Angel shot up running to Alastor. 

As Angel got to Alastor he wrapped all his arms around Alastors torso from behind as he was just about to push Husk down. It wasn't long before Alastor went back to normal and looked behind him to see a slightly shorter spider demon holding him close. "Angel dear?" Alastor said finally breaking the silence. Angel lifter his head that was resting on Alastors lower part of his shoulder."u...ummm yeah?" Angel finally responded with a hesitate voice. "What are you doing?" Alastor raised an eyebrow in  confusion of what Angel was doing. "Mhhh?" Angel said slightly about to put his head back on Alastor. "O-oh!" Angel yelped letting go of Alastor and blushing heavily. Alastor turned around to meet Angel's gaze."Angel~" The Deer demon said seductively lifting Angles head to meet his as Angel was a bit shorter then him."W-what do want?" Angle said annoyed but flustered looking away. "My dear what where you doing grabbing my waist? I thought I told you I was top." Alastor licked Angel's neck sending shivers down his spine. "W-well you wher gonna attack H-Husk so I had stopped y-you." Alastor just chuckled quietly and bit down on Angel's neck leaving blood to start dripping down his neck. Angel let out a low moan as biting was a bit of a turn on for him. "Al~" Angel moaned out in between heavy breaths. Alastor chuckled again licking up the blood that was dripping down Angels neck.

Alastor continued his little bites down Angel's neck just befor Angel shot his hands up and grabbed onto Alastors ears and stroke them up and down."Mph!?~" Alastor lifted his head up from Angel's neck and let out a light...maon? "Angel...mph~ Dear c-could you. ah~" Angel smirked at the sound that had come from Alastor as he thought that Alastor would never really moan. He gave Angel a devilish look right in his eyes witch made him slightly uncomfortable. Alastor just chuckled again befor lightly pushing Angel back. It was enough as Angel was a bit wobbly on his feet. Alastor new what was going to happen but he didn't feel bad at what was going to happen to Angel he just walked to him as Angel fell back all 4 hands landing on the hot stove. Angel jolted forward and landed in Alastors arms.

(( hey oh so sorry for not posting yesterday I just had a orchestra Concert and all. So yeah that all happend also no there not dating...yet Ummmmmmmmm....WHY DO I WRITE THIS!!?? eny ways thank you fellow readers I will try to post the next chapter on Friday and if not Friday then Tuesday. Till next time!! Word count 1081))

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