"First Patient?"

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"Yeah Al I'm fine im staying at a friend's house tonight. Could ya tell Charlie so she doesn't worry." Alastor gave off a sigh of relief. "Ok will do dear. Stay safe." "You to Al" Angel smiled at Carrie and Molly. "I...lov-" Angel then hung up befor Alastor could finish his sentence.

No one's P.O.V

Slight NSFW

Angel got up from a well night's rest he yawned and rubbed his eyes looking around him. He frogot that he spent the nigh at Carrie's last night. He got up and got dressed into a pink turtleneck and white leggings to hide any bruises from last night. Angel walked to the bathroom just down the hall passing the kitchen while having a big smile on his face. "Hey Angie your up early!" Angel looked over to see Molly and Charrie sitting down at the breakfast table. Angel simply nodded and smiled before continuing to walk to the bath room. "Is it just me or does something seem off with him?" Molly sighed and shook her head in agreement. "I think I know what his problem is." Charrie perked her head up and stared at Molly."oh yeah what's that?" Molly giggled and sighed again. "Please ya cant tell me you dont see it!" Charrie shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes which made Molly facepalm. "Duh he totally has a crush!" Molly yelled while getting up and putting her plate in the sink. "Now that you say it he does seem to not let that jacket out of his sight and he even smells the jacket the weirdo." Molly laughed at the last part of Carrie's  sentence. "Oh come on cut him some slack he's just my lovestruck brother. But the question is who is it?" Molly and Charrie stopped and started at each other. "You dont think it could be...the radio demon?" Molly stoped washing her dish almost droping it. "No.Way! Let's lock em up in a room together so they have to be alone for and it's just them and-"Molly squealed and jumped up and down. "Wow wow wow. Now wait a sec we have to think this threw if we want to get them together." Molly stoped jumping and looked at Charrie. "Oh. I guess your right we cant really lock em up in a room for days on end." Molly giggled to her self. "Lock who up for days?" Molly and Charrie stoped what they wher doing and both tuned red from embarismint. "Dont tell me your going on and locking people up now Moll's" Angel said as he walked over to the table Charrie was sitting at. "Oh of course not!" Molly walked back over to the table and sat in between Charrie and Angel. "Soooo...who is he!?" "Molly not now!" Carrie spat out as Molly twerlled her finger in her hair. "What is going on hear?" Angel said breaking the small argument Charrie and Molly where having. "Ok look me and Charrie have noticed that you haven't been yourself lately and if I know my brother it's that you act like this when you my dear brother of mine have a big crush!" Angel froze in his place turning a dark red. "Umm I'm not quite sure what you mean Molly" Angel clenched onto Alastors jacket looking away from Molly and Charrie. "Oh please ther is no denying that you like Alastor." Angel choked on the water he was drinking. "Ok ok fine ya got me I do like him!" Angel lifted his hands up in surrender. "Ha I knew it!" Charrie yelled pointing at him.

Time skip because I'm lazy

Angel got what little things he had with him and said his goodbyes to Charrie and Molly walking out of Charrie's house. He walked down the street mumbling things to himself about Valentino, Alastor, And the hotel. Angel made it to the hotel taking in a deep breath befor opening the hotel doors and walking into the hotel. All eyes wher on Angel till Charlie and Alastor ran up to him. "My dear are you ok?" "Did you get hurt?" "Its ok your back and safe" Angel stood in front of the door way as Alastor and Charlie where making shur he was ok. "Look guys I'm fine. See?" Charlie and Alastor looked up and down on Angel scanning for anything unusual about him. They both sighed and Charlie went to go sit back down on the couch with Vaggie but Alastor still stood in front of Angel still skeptical of him. "Oh that's right! Hear ya go." Angel opened up the small bag he had and pulled out Alastor's jacket. "Hear" Angel handed Alastor his coat and took it letting it drape on his forearm. "Thank you darling but I do wish to speak with you in private." Angel nodded his head and placed his bag down at the doors and followed Alastor upstairs. "So Al what did ya wa-" Angel was cut off by warm lips to his and arms wrapping around his waist. "Mph~" Angel immediately melted into the kiss as Alastor pulled him closer. "My dear I missed you. Are you ok?" Angel hesitated for a bit before sighing and pulling Alastor into a tite hug. "My dear Angel are you alright?" Angel's heart beated fast stinging leaving a hole in his chest his eyes watering. "Angel?" Angel griped onto Alastors shirt tears strolling down his cheeks. "Please Al I need this." Alastor smiled widened as he hugged Angel's back.

A few minutes later Angel calmed down and they stoped there tite hug. "Thanks Al I needed that." Alastor nodded his head and pecked Angel on forehead and walked down the stairs.  Alastor sat down at the front desk and pulled out a small book from under the desk. The hotel was quiet as Charlie and Vaggie wher just quietly talking to each other a few rooms away Niffty was Clening up stairs Husk was passed out as usual and Angel was playing on his phone on the couch just a couple of steps away from the front desk Alastor was sitting at. Angel got up and walked over to Alastor running his fingers threw his hair. "What is is my de-" Alastor stoped as he felt Angel's hands on his ears. "A-Angel n-not now~" Alastor let off a light moan. "Oh Alastor we both know that you want this." Alastor felt much pleasure as Angel continued to stroke Alastors ears the tingling sensation running all over his body. "Now if only I could-" Angel's 2nd pair of arms pulled down the back of Alastors pants revealing a fluffy red black spotted deer tail. "Dont.You.Dare." Alastor looked back at Angel who had a devilish smirk. He reached down and lightly touched the tail which in return got a small jump from the deer demon. He slowly wrapped his hands around the fluffy tail and stroked if slowly. "Ah~ Angel~ oh my." Angel giggled and put his chin on Alastors shoulder and leaned into his ear whispering into them making them twitch. "I thought that your ears wher sensitive but your tail...now this is how to get you off. Remind me why I never did this befor?" Alastor squirmed in place trying not to moan anymore or louder so the others would not hear. "Wow so this is how to make you horny as fuck." Angel looked down as Alastor bonner was developing. Angel chuckled and looked at Alastor seductively whispering in his ear again. "Now what if I-" Angel then pulled on Alastors tail making him moan and cover his mouth as he did. "Ah!~~" Angel pulled up Alastors back pants and got under the table he was sitting at. "A-Angel what are you up to no-" Angel pulled Alastors pants down revealing his long erection. "Let's make this quick now. Shall we?" Alastor bit his bottem lip as Angel wrapped two of his hand around Alastors member.It wasn't to long befor Angel was taking in all of Alastors length his tail waged up and down at the pleasure he was given. Just then the hotel doors swong up with made everyone turn over to see who it was. Standing in front the doors was a decently dressed short wolf demon.

"Oh hello I'm so sorry to bother all of you my name is Ace it's so nice to meet you all!" (Ace is an Oc not a cannon character.) All eyes wher on the small demon befor he was greeted by Charlie running up to him and shaking his hand aggressively. "Hear Alastor will set you up with a room!" Alastor looked at Charlie and Ace with a worried expression. "Oh Hello! The names Ace!" Ace pulled out his hand to Alastor in witch he hesitantly took the hand to a small hand shake. "So what's the radio demon doing in this hotel?" Ace questioned Alastor who was scrolling trew the computer and typing in somethings. "N-nothing m-much just some e-enter-*amen* entertainment." Alastor was finding it difficult to speak clear as he was having far to much fun with Angel sucking him off. Ace looked at Alastor as his eyes wher slowly rolling back with the pleasure his tail wagging ferociously as Angel picked up his speed. Ace cleared his throat and blushed looking away. Alastor folded his hands together and bit his bottem lip. "Right...than hear is-is your key r-room 20." Alastor handed Ace the key to room 20 and forcing himself to smile more. "Thank you?" He said befor walking down a hall but not without Charlie and Vaggie not far behind him. Alastor let out a long moan letting himself fall ontop of the desk. "My d-dear why is this better t-than usual?!" Alastor clenched his hands into fist his body tightening with evry suck Angel did. Befor long Alastor came and Angel swallowed most of the seed he was given. "That was far by t-the best you have done my dear. Why not more like that someday?" Angel wiped the rest of Alastors cum off of his face and gave off a big smile to Alastor. "Of course." Angel winked and walked up the stairs to his room swaying his hips back and forth. Alastor melted into the chair he sat in and and sighed giving off a crooked smile. "I love you...my dearest Angel."

Hey so sorry for the short chapter and all just wanted to leave y'all on a small cliff hanger. That's all for now ya filthy sinners till next time!

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